Sirach 30:27
Douay-Rheims Bible
A cheerful and good heart is always feasting: for his banquets are prepared with diligence.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

A cheerful and good heart is always feasting: for his banquets are prepared with diligence.

Sirach 30:25
For sadness hath killed many, and there is no profit in it.

Sirach 30:26
Envy and anger shorten a man's days, and pensiveness will bring old age before the time.

Sirach 31:1
Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the thought thereof driveth away sleep.

Sirach 31:2
The thinking beforehand turneth away the understanding, and a grievous sickness maketh the soul sober.

Sirach 30
26Envy and anger shorten a man's days, and pensiveness will bring old age before the time. 27A cheerful and good heart is always feasting: for his banquets are prepared with diligence.
Cross References
Sirach 30:25
For sadness hath killed many, and there is no profit in it.

Sirach 30:26
Envy and anger shorten a man's days, and pensiveness will bring old age before the time.

Sirach 31:1
Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the thought thereof driveth away sleep.

Sirach 31:2
The thinking beforehand turneth away the understanding, and a grievous sickness maketh the soul sober.

(Sir. Si Ecclesiasticus eccles eccl)

Sirach 30:26
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