Sirach 31
Contemporary English Version

Money Problems

1The rich lie awake at night

worrying about their money,

and they waste away

from lack of rest.

2It is hard to fall asleep

when you are very sick

or worried about money.

3The rich work hard

and get richer,

then they rest in luxury.

4But the poor work hard

and barely earn a living,

and if they rest,

they become even poorer.

5Some people love gold

and aim to make big profits,

and they will be led to do wrong

instead of right.

6Because of gold,

many lives have been ruined

or have ended in destruction.

7Money controls those fools

who worship it.

8God will bless those rich people

who do only what is right

and don't try to get richer.

9If you ever find such people,

you should honor them

for doing the impossible.

10When tested by money,

who can always do right?

When people could cheat

to get more money

but instead are honest,

they have something

to boast about.

11The community will honor them

for the kind things they do,

and their wealth will grow.

Advice to Dinner Guests

12When you go to a banquet,

don't stuff yourself

just because so much food

is on the table.

13Some people's eyes

want everything they see.

Is anything more evil?

Such eyes will have plenty

of tears.

14Don't reach out and grab

the food you want

or push others aside.

15Be thoughtful of others--

they have feelings too.

16Eat what is served,

but you won't be welcome

if you gobble it up

like an animal.

17Show good manners;

stop eating before others do.

If you keep on eating,

they will be offended.

18And in a large group of people,

don't be the first one

to reach for the serving dish.

19Train yourself to be satisfied

with a little food,

and later, in bed,

you will not be in pain

when you try to breathe.

20You will sleep well

and wake up early,

feeling good.

But overeating causes cramps,

as well as an upset stomach

and sleepless nights.

21If your host makes you overeat,

leave the table and vomit--

you will feel much better.

22Listen to me! Pay attention,

and later on,

you will thank me.

Don't try to eat too much,

and you will stay healthy.

23It is right to honor those

who are generous with food

at their dinner parties.

24But the whole town is right

to complain about a host

who gives only a snack.

25Wine has destroyed many lives,

and heavy drinking is no way

to prove you are strong.

26The strength of iron is seen

when it is heated,

then dipped in water.

And people show their arrogance

when they argue

after drinking wine.

27A little wine is refreshing,

and to live without wine

is hardly living at all.

God created wine

to make us happy.

28A little wine at the right time

helps us celebrate.

29But drinking too much wine

leads us to hate others

and to take revenge.

30When fools are drunk,

they become angry and fight,

but their strength is gone,

and so they get hurt.

31Don't scold your friends

or be disgusted

when they drink and celebrate

at a party.

And don't make them feel bad

or upset them with a reminder

that they owe you money.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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