Sirach 38
Contemporary English Version


1The Lord chose some people

to be doctors, so honor them

for helping others get well.

2God Most High gave them

the ability to heal,

and they are rewarded

by the king.

3Their skills

make them important,

and they are admired

by powerful people.

4Medicines are part

of the Lord's creation,

and if you are sensible,

you will use them.

5 One time even a piece of wood

made water fit to drink,

and this showed God's power.

6He gives knowledge to humans

so that we will praise him

for his amazing creations.

* 7Doctors relieve pain

and bring healing

by mixing medicines

from things that God created.

8God will always be at work

bringing health

to everyone on earth.

9Students, if you get sick,

quickly pray to the Lord,

and you will be healed.

10Give up all your sins

and decide to do right.

11Offer a sacrifice of fine flour

and as much olive oil

as you can afford,

and the smell of the smoke

will be pleasing to God.

12But God also created doctors,

and you need their help,

so don't reject them.

13Someday your life

will be in their hands,

14and they will ask the Lord

how to make you well

and relieve your pain.

15Those who sin against God,

their Creator,

will also reject doctors.


16 When someone dies,

you should mourn and weep

as though you were in pain.

Prepare the body to be buried,

and attend the funeral.

17Weep bitterly to show respect

for the dead.

If you don't grieve at all,

you will be criticized,

but don't mourn for longer

than a day or two.

18If you don't stop grieving,

you will grow weak

and die.

19After a funeral, sorrow remains,

but don't let it drag you down

into poverty.

20Put away your grief

and enjoy what is left

of your own life.

21You cannot bring back

those who have died.

Grieving won't help them,

and it can harm you.

22Just remember that in the past,

death caught up with them,

and in the future,

it will catch up with you.

23The dead are at rest,

so be strong

and stop thinking about them

all the time.

Teachers of Wisdom

24If teachers are to become wise,

they need lots of time to study

and freedom from other work.

* 25Who has time to study wisdom?

Not farmers!

All day long they guide oxen

to plow 26in straight lines.

Then they work at night

feeding their livestock.

Farmers talk about cattle,

not wisdom.

27Who has time to study wisdom?

Not artists who carve designs

on rings and other jewelry.

These artists work with care

night and day, making sure

each design is different

and leaves a perfect pattern

when pressed in soft wax.

28Who has time to study wisdom?

Not the blacksmith,

soaked in sweat from the heat

of the furnace,

going deaf from the noise

as he hammers the red-hot iron,

shaping it on his anvil.

He wants to finish this piece,

and will work late to see

all its decorations completed.

29Who has time to study wisdom?

A potter doesn't.

His feet must always move

to spin the pottery wheel.

He keeps his mind on his work--

so many pieces to make,

30and so much to do.

He works the clay with his feet

to make it soft,

then shapes it with his hands

before baking it.

And then at night,

he cleans out the furnace.

31All these are skilled people

who work with their hands.

32Without them in a town,

no one would live there

or even visit.

But they are not asked to serve

on public committees,

33and they don't become leaders

in the town council.

They are not judges

and cannot explain

the decisions of the court.

They cannot even tell stories

that teach lessons.

34But they do pray

about their work,

and they keep life going

for everyone else.

Teachers who study the Law

of God Most High

are different.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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