The Wisdom of Solomon 10
Contemporary English Version

Wisdom in the Time of Moses

Solomon continues praying:

1 Wisdom protected Adam, the father of the human race. When he was alone on earth, she kept him from sin 2and gave him the power to rule everything.

3 But Adam's son Cain was evil, and he rejected Wisdom. Then in his anger, he destroyed himself by killing his brother.

4 When Cain's sin caused a flood, Wisdom came to the rescue, by guiding the good man Noah in that flimsy wooden boat.

5 When nations were frustrated by their own evil plans, Wisdom noticed that Abraham was a good man. So she gave him strength to obey God, though Abraham dearly loved his son Isaac.

6 Wisdom rescued the good man Lot, when the ungodly people of those five cities died in the flames. 7The evidence of their evil can still be seen--the smoke that keeps rising from the desert, those trees with fruit that never ripens, and the pillar of salt that stands as a witness to Lot's wife, who refused to believe. 8By rejecting Wisdom, these people became blind to what was right, and so they left a permanent witness to their foolishness. 9But she protected those who were obedient to her.

10 Wisdom guided that good man Jacob along the right paths when he was running from his angry brother. She showed him your kingdom and helped him understand sacred things. She also made him successful in everything he did. 11Wisdom even stood by him and made him rich when he was being mistreated by people who were jealous of him. 12She protected him from enemies who were waiting to attack, and when he wrestled with an angel, she let him learn that obeying you, our God, is what makes a person really powerful.

13 When that good man Joseph was sold as a slave, Wisdom kept him from committing a terrible sin. She even went down into the dungeon 14where he was a prisoner, and she stayed with him until he was given authority over those who had been in charge of him. Wisdom proved that his accusers were wrong and brought him honor that will last forever.

Wisdom Led Israel out of Egypt

Solomon continues praying:

15 Wisdom rescued the holy and faultless nation of Israel from those who were oppressing them. 16She did this by entering the soul of your servant Moses and opposing cruel kings with her amazing miracles. 17Wisdom rewarded those holy people for their hardships and guided them in a wonderful way, providing shade for them during the day and starlight at night. 18She brought them safely through the Red Sea, 19but she drowned their enemies and washed their bodies up on the shore. 20So your obedient people took the possessions of those ungodly people. Then they sang praises to your holy name and praised you for protecting them, 21because Wisdom healed those who could not talk and helped infants to speak clearly.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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