Prayer for Justice A Shiggaiona of David, which he sang to the LORD concerning the words of •Cush,b a Benjaminite. 1•Yahweh my God, I seek refuge in You;c save me from all my pursuers and rescue med 2or theye will tear me like a lion, ripping me apart with no one to rescue me.f, g 3Yahweh my God, if I have done this, if there is injustice on my hands,h 4if I have done harm to one at peace with mei or have plunderedj my adversary without cause,k 5may an enemy pursue and overtake me; may he trample me to the groundl and leave my honor in the dust.m 6Rise up, LORD, in Your anger; lift Yourself up against the fury of my adversaries;n You have ordainedq a judgment.r 7Let the assembly of peoples gather around You;s take Your seatt on high over it.u 8The LORD judges the peoples;v according to my righteousness and my integrity.w, x 9Let the evil of the wicked come to an end,y The One who examines the thoughts and emotionsaa who saves the upright in and a God who shows His wrath every Godag will sharpen His sword;ah He has strungai His bow and made it ready.aj 13He has prepared His deadly weapons; He tips His arrows with fire.ak 14See, the wicked one is pregnant with evil, conceives trouble, and gives birth to 15He dug a pit and hollowed it out but fell into the hole he had 16His trouble comes back on his own head, and his violence falls on the top of his 17I will thank the LORD for His righteousness; I will sing about the name of Yahweh the •Most Footnotes: a. 7:title Perhaps a passionate song with rapid changes of rhythm, or a dirge b. 7:title LXX, Aq, Sym, Theod, Jer read of the Cushite c. 7:1 Ps 11:1; 31:1; 71:1 d. 7:1 Ps 31:15 e. 7:2 Lit he f. 7:2 Lit ripping, and without a rescuer g. 7:2 Ps 57:4; Is 5:29 h. 7:3 1Sm 24:11 i. 7:4 Ps 55:20 j. 7:4 Or me and have spared k. 7:4 1Sm 24:11; 26:18 l. 7:5 Am 2:7 m. 7:3-5 Jb 31:5-40 n. 7:6 Ps 3:7; 17:13 o. 7:6 LXX reads awake, Lord my God p. 7:6 Ps 59:4 q. 7:6 Or me; ordain r. 7:6 Jr 15:3 s. 7:7 Ps 22:27 t. 7:7 MT reads and return u. 7:7 Ps 68:18 v. 7:8 Ps 96:13; 98:9 w. 7:8 Lit integrity on me x. 7:8 Ps 26:1; 35:24; 43:1 y. 7:9 Ps 94:23 z. 7:9 Is 9:7 aa. 7:9 Lit examines hearts and kidneys ab. 7:9 Heb 4:12 ac. 7:10 Lit on ad. 7:10 2Sm 22:3; Ps 18:2; 144:2 ae. 7:10 Ps 36:10 af. 7:11 Ps 9:4; Is 11:4 ag. 7:12 Lit He ah. 7:12 Nm 22:23; Dt 32:41 ai. 7:12 Lit bent ; that is, bent the bow to string it aj. 7:12 Ps 37:14 ak. 7:13 Ps 18:14; 45:5; 64:7; 144:6 al. 7:14 Jb 15:35; Is 59:4; Jms 1:15 am. 7:15 Ps 9:15; 57:6; Pr 26:27; 28:10 an. 7:16 1Sm 25:39; 1Kg 2:33; Est 9:25 ao. 7:17 Ps 9:2; 71:15-16 |