Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Resurrection of Jesus |
16:1 2532 16:1 και 16:1 And |
1230 διαγενομένου the elapsing |
218 αλείψωσι they should anoint |
16:2 2532 16:2 και 16:2 And |
4521 σαββάτων of the Sabbaths, |
393 ανατείλαντος at the rising |
16:3 2532 16:3 και 16:3 And |
617 αποκυλίσει will roll away |
16:4 2532 16:4 και 16:4 And |
308 αναβλέψασαι having looked up, |
617 αποκεκύλισται [3was rolled away |
16:5 2532 16:5 και 16:5 And |
1525 εισελθούσαι having entered |
2521 καθήμενον sitting down |
4016 περιβεβλημένον being clothed |
1568 εξεθαμβήθησαν they were astonished. |
1568 εκθαμβείσθε be astonished! |
*-2212 Ιησούν ζητείτε You seek Jesus |
4717 εσταυρωμένον having been crucified; |
16:7 235 16:7 αλλ' 16:7 But |
4254 προάγει he goes before |
16:8 2532 16:8 και 16:8 And |
1831 εξελθούσαι having come forth |
1611 έκστασις 4a change of state]; |
Jesus Appears to Mary and the Disciples |
16:9 450-1161 16:9 αναστάς δε 16:9 And having risen |
4413 πρώτη on the first day |
4521 σαββάτου of the Sabbath, |
1544 εκβεβλήκει he had cast out |
16:10 1565 16:10 εκείνη 16:10 That one |
4198 πορευθείσα having gone |
1096 γενομένοις 1having been], |
3996 πενθούσι who were mourning |
16:11 2548 16:11 κακείνοι 16:11 And those |
191 ακούσαντες having heard |
5319 εφανερώθη he was made manifest |
16:13 2548 16:13 κακείνοι 16:13 And those |
565 απελθόντες having gone forth |
16:14 5305 16:14 ύστερον 16:14 Afterwards |
345 ανακειμένοις with them reclining, |
5319 εφανερώθη 1he was made manifest], |
4641 σκληροκαρδίαν hardness of heart, |
1453 εγηγερμένον being arisen |
16:15 2532 16:15 και 16:15 And |
4198 πορευθέντες Having gone |
16:16 3588 16:16 ο 16:16 The one |
907 βαπτισθείς being immersed |
4982 σωθήσεται shall be delivered; |
2632 κατακριθήσεται shall be condemned. |
16:17 4592-1161 16:17 σημεία δε 16:17 And signs |
3877 παρακολουθήσει shall follow closely ; |
1544 εκβαλούσι 1they shall cast out]; |
2980 λαλήσουσι 3they shall speak |
16:18 3789 16:18 όφεις 16:18 [2serpents |
142 αρούσι 1they shall take away]; |
4095 πίωσιν they shall drink, |
1473-984 αυτούς βλάψει shall it hurt them; |
2007 επιθήσουσι 1they shall place], |
2192 έξουσιν 1they shall suffice]. |
16:20 1565-1161 16:20 εκείνοι δε 16:20 And those |
1831 εξελθόντες having gone forth, |
4903-2532 συνεργούντος και and were working together |
1872 επακολουθούντων [2following after |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.