Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Signal of the Trumpets |
10:1 2532 10:1 και 10:1 And |
10:2 4160 10:2 ποίησον 10:2 Make |
4160 ποιήσεις you shall make |
4864 συναγωγήν congregation, |
10:3 2532 10:3 και 10:3 And |
4537 σαλπιείς you shall trump |
4863 συναχθήσεται bring together |
4537 σαλπίσωσι 1they should trump], |
4334 προσελεύσονται then shall come forward |
10:5 2532 10:5 και 10:5 And |
4537 σαλπιείτε you shall trump |
1808 εξαρούσιν shall lift away |
10:6 2532 10:6 και 10:6 And |
4537 σαλπιείτε you shall trump |
1208 δευτέραν a second time, |
1808 εξαρούσιν shall lift away |
4537 σαλπιείτε you shall trump |
1808 εξαρούσιν shall lift away |
4537 σαλπιείτε you shall trump |
1808 εξαρούσιν shall lift away |
4537 σαλπιούσιν 1You shall trump] |
10:7 2532 10:7 και 10:7 And |
4863 συναγάγητε you should bring together |
4864 συναγωγήν congregation, |
4537 σαλπιείτε you shall trump, |
10:8 2532 10:8 και 10:8 And |
1831 εξέλθητε you should go forth |
4591 σημανείτε you shall signify |
363 αναμνησθήσεσθε you will be called to mind |
1295 διασωθήσεσθε you shall be preserved |
10:10 2532 10:10 και 10:10 And |
4537 σαλπιείτε you shall trump |
3646 ολοκαυτώμασι whole burnt-offerings, |
4992-1473 σωτηρίων υμών of your deliverance offerings. |
364 ανάμνησιν a remembrance |
10:11 2532 10:11 και 10:11 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
10:12 2532 10:12 και 10:12 And |
10:13 2532 10:13 και 10:13 And |
4413 πρώτοι 1 the first ranks] |
10:14 2532 10:14 και 10:14 And |
1808 εξήραν they lifted away |
10:15 2532 10:15 και 10:15 And |
10:16 2532 10:16 και 10:16 And |
10:17 2532 10:17 και 10:17 And |
2507 καθελούσι they shall lower |
1808 εξαρούσιν [4shall lift away |
10:18 2532 10:18 και 10:18 And |
10:19 2532 10:19 και 10:19 And |
* Σουρισαδαϊ of Zurishaddai. |
10:20 2532 10:20 και 10:20 And |
10:21 2532 10:21 και 10:21 And |
1808 εξαρούσιν [4shall lift away |
2476 στήσουσι they shall set up |
3854 παραγένωνται they should arrive. |
10:22 2532 10:22 και 10:22 And |
1808 εξαρούσι shall lift away |
10:23 2532 10:23 και 10:23 And |
10:24 2532 10:24 και 10:24 And |
10:25 2532 10:25 και 10:25 And |
1808 εξαρούσι shall lift away |
10:26 2532 10:26 και 10:26 And |
10:27 2532 10:27 και 10:27 And |
10:28 3778 10:28 αύται 10:28 These |
1808 εξήραν they lifted away |
10:29 2532 10:29 και 10:29 And |
2036-* είπε Μωυσής Moses said |
4160 ποιήσομεν 1we will do], |
10:30 2532 10:30 και 10:30 And |
10:31 2532 10:31 και 10:31 And |
4246 πρεσβύτης as an ambassador. |
10:32 2532 10:32 και 10:32 And |
4198 πορευθής you should go |
15-2962 αγαθοποιήσει κύριος the lord shall do good |
4160 ποιήσομεν 1we shall do]. |
10:33 2532 10:33 και 10:33 And |
1808 εξήραν they lifted away |
4313 προεπορεύετο went forth |
10:34 2532 10:34 και 10:34 And |
10:35 2532 10:35 και 10:35 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
2036-* είπε Μωυσής Moses said, |
1287 διασκορπισθήτωσαν let [2be dispersed |
3404 μισούντές ones detesting |
10:36 2532 10:36 και 10:36 And |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.