Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Abraham Justified by Trusting |
1344 εδικαιώθη 1was justified], |
3049 ελογίσθη it was imputed |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness. |
3049 λογίζεται [2is imputed |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness. |
4:6 2509 4:6 καθάπερ 4:6 Just as |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness |
4:7 3107 4:7 μακάριοι 4:7 Blessed |
863 αφέθησαν [3were forgiven |
458 ανομίαι 2lawless deeds], |
1943 επεκαλύφθησαν [3were covered over |
4:8 3107 4:8 μακάριος 4:8 Blessed is |
3049-2962 λογίσηται κύριος the Lord should impute |
4061 περιτομήν circumcision |
203 ακροβυστίαν uncircumcision? |
3049 ελογίσθη [3was imputed |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness. |
4:10 4459 4:10 πως 4:10 How |
3049 ελογίσθη was it imputed? |
4061 περιτομή 3circumcision |
203 ακροβυστία uncircumcision? |
4061 περιτομή circumcision, |
203 ακροβυστία uncircumcision. |
4:11 2532 4:11 και 4:11 And |
4061 περιτομής of circumcision |
1343 δικαιοσύνης righteousness |
203 ακροβυστία uncircumcision, |
203 ακροβυστίας uncircumcision, |
3049 λογισθήναι [3to be imputed |
1343 δικαιοσύνην 2righteousness]; |
4:12 2532 4:12 και 4:12 and |
4061 περιτομής of circumcision |
4061 περιτομής circumcision |
203 ακροβυστία uncircumcision |
1343 δικαιοσύνης righteousness |
2673 κατήργηται [3ceases to work |
2716 κατεργάζεται 1manufactures]; |
3847 παράβασις is there a violation. |
4:16 1223 4:16 διά 4:16 On account of |
4:17 2531 4:17 καθώς 4:17 (as |
1125 γέγραπται it has been written, |
5087 τέθεικά 1I have established |
2227 ζωοποιούντος restoring [3to life |
4:19 2532 4:19 και 4:19 And |
3499 νενεκρωμένον deadened, |
1541 εκατονταέτης [3a hundred years old |
1743 ενεδυναμώθη was empowered |
4:21 2532 4:21 και 4:21 and |
4135 πληροφορηθείς having full assurance |
1861 επήγγελται he has promised, |
4:22 1352 4:22 διό 4:22 Therefore |
3049 ελογίσθη it was imputed |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness. |
4:23 3756 4:23 ουκ 4:23 [2it was not |
3049 ελογίσθη it was imputed |
4:24 235 4:24 αλλά 4:24 but |
3049 λογίζεσθαι to be imputed, |
1453 εγείραντα having raised |
3860 παρεδόθη was delivered up |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.