Matthew 25:20
NASB Lexicon
NASB ©GreekStrong'sOrigin
"The one who had receivedλαβὼν
2983: to take, receivefrom a prim. root lab-
the fiveπέντε
4002: fivea prim. cardinal number
5007: a balance, hence that which is weighed, i.e. a talent (about 3000 shekels in weight, cf. NH3603)from a prim. root
4334: to approach, to draw nearfrom pros and erchomai
up and broughtπροσήνεγκεν
4374: to bring to, i.e. to offerfrom pros and pheró
4002: fivea prim. cardinal number
243: other, anothera prim. word
5007: a balance, hence that which is weighed, i.e. a talent (about 3000 shekels in weight, cf. NH3603)from a prim. root
3004: to saya prim. verb
2962: lord, masterfrom kuros (authority)
you entrustedπαρέδωκας
3860: to hand over, to give or deliver over, to betrayfrom para and didómi
4002: fivea prim. cardinal number
5007: a balance, hence that which is weighed, i.e. a talent (about 3000 shekels in weight, cf. NH3603)from a prim. root
to me. See, 
2396: see! behold!from eidon, used as an interj.
I have gainedἐκέρδησα
2770: to gainfrom kerdos
4002: fivea prim. cardinal number
243: other, anothera prim. word
5007: a balance, hence that which is weighed, i.e. a talent (about 3000 shekels in weight, cf. NH3603)from a prim. root

KJV Lexicon
και  conjunction
kai  kahee:  and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
προσελθων  verb - second aorist active participle - nominative singular masculine
proserchomai  pros-er'-khom-ahee:  to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to
ο  definite article - nominative singular masculine
ho  ho:  the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) -- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
τα  definite article - accusative plural neuter
ho  ho:  the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) -- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
πεντε  numeral (adjective)
pente  pen'-teh:  five -- five.
ταλαντα  noun - accusative plural neuter
talanton  tal'-an-ton:  a balance (as supporting weights), i.e. (by implication) a certain weight (and thence a coin or rather sum of money) or talent -- talent.
λαβων  verb - second aorist active participle - nominative singular masculine
lambano  lam-ban'-o:  to take (in very many applications, literally and figuratively)
προσηνεγκεν  verb - aorist active indicative - third person singular
prosphero  pros-fer'-o:  to bear towards, i.e. lead to, tender (especially to God), treat -- bring (to, unto), deal with, do, offer (unto, up), present unto, put to.
αλλα  adjective - accusative plural neuter
allos  al'-los:  else, i.e. different (in many applications) -- more, one (another), (an-, some an-)other(-s, -wise).
πεντε  numeral (adjective)
pente  pen'-teh:  five -- five.
ταλαντα  noun - accusative plural neuter
talanton  tal'-an-ton:  a balance (as supporting weights), i.e. (by implication) a certain weight (and thence a coin or rather sum of money) or talent -- talent.
λεγων  verb - present active participle - nominative singular masculine
lego  leg'-o:  ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.
κυριε  noun - vocative singular masculine
kurios  koo'-ree-os:  supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title) -- God, Lord, master, Sir.
πεντε  numeral (adjective)
pente  pen'-teh:  five -- five.
ταλαντα  noun - accusative plural neuter
talanton  tal'-an-ton:  a balance (as supporting weights), i.e. (by implication) a certain weight (and thence a coin or rather sum of money) or talent -- talent.
μοι  personal pronoun - first person dative singular
moi  moy:  to me -- I, me, mine, my.
παρεδωκας  verb - aorist active indicative - second person singular
paradidomi  par-ad-id'-o-mee:  to surrender, i.e yield up, intrust, transmit -- betray, bring forth, cast, commit, deliver (up), give (over, up), hazard, put in prison, recommend.
ιδε  verb - aorist active middle - second person singular
eido  i'-do:  to see; by implication, (in the perfect tense only) to know
αλλα  adjective - accusative plural neuter
allos  al'-los:  else, i.e. different (in many applications) -- more, one (another), (an-, some an-)other(-s, -wise).
πεντε  numeral (adjective)
pente  pen'-teh:  five -- five.
ταλαντα  noun - accusative plural neuter
talanton  tal'-an-ton:  a balance (as supporting weights), i.e. (by implication) a certain weight (and thence a coin or rather sum of money) or talent -- talent.
εκερδησα  verb - aorist active indicative - first person singular
kerdaino  ker-dah'-ee-no:  to gain -- (get) gain, win.
επ  preposition
epi  ep-ee':  meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.
αυτοις  personal pronoun - dative plural neuter
autos  ow-tos':  the reflexive pronoun self, used of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
Parallel Verses
New American Standard Bible
"The one who had received the five talents came up and brought five more talents, saying, 'Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have gained five more talents.'

King James Bible
And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
The man who had received five talents approached, presented five more talents, and said, Master, you gave me five talents. Look, I've earned five more talents.'

International Standard Version
The one who had received five talents came up and brought five more talents. 'Master,' he said, 'you gave me five talents. See, I've earned five more talents.'

NET Bible
The one who had received the five talents came and brought five more, saying, 'Sir, you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And he called him who had received five talents and brought five others, and he said, “My lord, you gave me five talents behold, I have gained five other talents on top of them.”

GOD'S WORD® Translation
The one who received ten thousand dollars brought the additional ten thousand. He said, 'Sir, you gave me ten thousand dollars. I've doubled the amount.'

King James 2000 Bible
And so he that had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, Lord, you delivered unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
Matthew 25:20
Matthew 25:20 NIV
Matthew 25:20 NLT
Matthew 25:20 ESV
Matthew 25:20 NASB
Matthew 25:20 KJV

Matthew 25:19
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