Index I.

Addison, 63, 64

Africanus, J., 49, 71, 119, 132, 144, 145, 152, 157, 222, 236

Alexander, Abp., 125

Altdorfer, 172

Ambrose, 79, 167, 238

Antony of Padua, 66, 176, 247

Apollinarius, 118, 186

Aquila, 34, 49

Arnald, 104, 105, 243, 246

Adrian, 225

Athanasius, 9, 78, 107, 160, 166, 168, 186, 237

Athanasius, pseudo-, 232

Augustine, 167, 232

Ball, C. J., 21, 41, 50, 52, 53, 67, 84, 110, 175, 186, 212, 217

Barclay, P., 94

Bardenhewer, 159, 164

Barnes, A., 12, 37, 67, 223

Barry, Bp., 85

Bassus, 158

Bayer, F. P., 68

Behrmann, 112

Bengel, 75

Bevan, Prof., 28, 34, 110

Bissell, 21, 22, 45, 50, 71, 103, 126, 127, 131, 153, 157, 186, 191, 192, 225

Blackie, J. S., 94

Blakesley, Dean, 212

Bleek, 10, 73

Blunt, J. H., 26, 68, 186, 224, 226, 246, 247

Blunt, J. J., 115, 144

Boys, Dean, 93

Breshith Rabba, 12, 185, 229, 230

Brightman, Canon, 89

Brown, Sir Thos., 214

Brüll, 127

Bugati, 22, 106, 128, 132, 154, 184, 186, 216

Buhl, 71

Bullock, W. T., 61

Bunsen, 150

Burbidge, 90

Burgon, Dean, 241

Bury St. Edmunds, 82

Cæsarius of Arles, 86

Calvin, 10

Cambridge, Trinity College Chapel, 82

Cappellus, Ludovicus, 118

Carr, 71

Carracci, 172

Castillo, de, 151

Ceriani, 22

Chaplin, Child, 33, 94

Charles, 42

Chigi, Cardinal, 126

Chrysostom, 79, 167, 238

Churton, 18, 19, 104, 148, 210

Clement of Alexandria, 7, 77, 161, 164, 233

Cloquet, 67, 233

Cockerell, 240

Congreve, 247

Cope, L. C., 210

Cornelius Lapide, 10, 42, 62, 69, 161

Cornely, 23

Cornish, H. P., 92

Correggio, 172

Coypel, 172

Curteis, G. H., 188

Curtis, E. L., 108

Curtius, Quintus, 146

Cyprian, 78, 165, 231, 237

Cyprian, pseudo-, 237

Cyril of Alexandria, 168

Cyril of Jerusalem, 9, 79, 160, 167

Damasus I., 88

Daniel, E., 83

Davidson, 233

Deane, H., 21

Deane, W. J., 111

Deissmann, 51, 194, 205

Delitzsch (elder), 105, 131, 132, 159, 170, 204, 207, 208, 211, 227, 230, 231

Denys, the Carthusian, 10

Dereser, 33, 109

Didron, 171, 241

Donaldson, 172

Driver, Dr., 107, 186, 227

Duchesne, 86

Dyck, van, 172

Ebed Jesu, 104, 183

Edersheim, 145, 219

Eichhorn, 58

Ephrem Syrus, 78, 166, 237

Epiphanius, 34

Epiphanius, pseudo-, 232

Etheridge, 121, 187, 230

Eusebius, 78, 118, 132, 157, 160, 165, 186, 238

Ewald, 24, 29, 233

Farrar, Dean, 37, 131, 228

Faussett, 228

Feltoe, Dr., 89

Florence, Council of, 10

Forbes, Bp., 32

Frank, Archd., 65

Freeman, Archd., 92

Fritzsche, 53, 127, 163

Fuller, J. M., 28, 32, 83, 109, 127, 148, 210, 213, 226, 242

Fürst, J., 108, 184

Garrucci, 239, 240

Gaster, 26, 28, 45, 46, 52, 55, 199, 200, 203, 214, 246

Gerard, 147

Gesenius, 138, 196

Givargese, F., 72, 233

Goodall, F., 172

Gorionides, 227

Gratian, 166

Gray, Bp., 20, 38, 84, 116, 158, 211

Gregory of Nazianzus, 14, 237

Gregory of Nyssa, 167

Grenfell, 63

Grotius, 53, 67, 135, 216

Guercino, 172

Günkel, 213

Gwillim, 171

Gwynne, Prof., 34, 108

Hauck, 46

Hebræus, Bar, 104, 162, 197, 210, 232

Henderson, 228

Heppner, A., 104

Herodotus, 225

Hesychius, 186, 238

Hieronymus Græcus, 79

Hilary of Poitiers, 166

Hippolytus, 77, 104, 107, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 159, 164, 173, 175, 183

Holmes, 18, 104, 105, 183

Hooker, 174

Horne, T. H., 20, 67

Hotham, 85

Humphry, W. G.,>83

Hunt, 63

Irenæus, 34, 46, 115, 161, 164, 236

Isaacson, S., 95

Isidore Hispalensis, 227

Jacobus Edessenus, 154

Jahn, G., 20, 22, 42, 47, 142

Jahn, J., 123

Jamieson, 228

Jansen, Cornelius, 227

Jennings, 228

Jephet ibn Ali, 22

Jerahmeel, 46

Jerome, 35, 49, 62, 71, 79, 108, 118, 132, 133, 151, 157-161, 167, 222, 238

Jocelin of Brakelond, 88

Johnson, S., 242

Josephus, 73, 114, 117, 231

Josippon, 214, 227, 246

Julian, Dr., 47

Justin Martyr, 77

Kamphausen, 111, 212

Karlstadt, 10

Kautzsch, 29, 30

Keil, 186, 188

Keilah, 230

Kells, 86

Kennedy, J., 37, 117

Kirkpatrick, Prof., 227

Lagarde, 129

Liddon, 64

Lightfoot, Bp., 156

Littledale, 38

Loisy, 9, 74, 81, 162, 232

Lowrie, W., 169, 240, 241

Lucar, Cyril, 162

Lucretia, 167

Luther, 10, 52, 133, 162, 198

Lyra, Nich. de, 10

Maccabæus, Simon, 68

Mamertus, Claudianus, 168

Margoliouth, D. S., 22

Marshall, 51, 110, 122, 192, 208, 212

Marti, 4, 106

Martin, D., 20, 133

Martini, 12, 185, 229

Mary, Passing of, 237

Maskell, 90

Mattathias, 68

Maurer, 227, 228

Melito, 132

Merrick, 94

Methodius, 161, 166

Meyer, 73

Milton, 40

Moone Abbey, 81

Moses Haddarshan, 230

Movers, 72

Mozley, 218

M'Swiney, 17, 31, 88

M'Whirter, 82

Muis, de, 95, 98

Munk, S., 204

Nachman, Rabba bar, 185

Nachmanides, 131

Nectarius, 162

Nestle, 116

Neubauer, 229

Nicephorus, of Constantinople, 158

Nobilius, Flaminius, 104

Orelli, 233

Origen, 8, 9, 22, 49, 78, 119, 128, 132, 144, 145, 151, 152, 157, 165, 203, 236

Parker, M., 59

Parsons, 18, 104, 105, 183

Patrick, St., 248

Pearson, Bp., 230

Peronne, 69, 161

Perowne, Bp., 25

Philippe, E., 21, 48, 109, 158, 184

Philo, 145

Pilate, 216, 218, 219

Polychronius, 22, 71

Porphyry, 118, 132, 157, 186

Procter, F., 83, 248

Prudentius, 238

Pusey, 110, 190

Quignon, Card., 26, 88

Rembrandt, 172

Reuss, 68, 123, 141, 148, 154, 188

Rose, H. F., 68

Rosenmüller, 227

Rothstein, 22, 25, 28, 41, 42, 53, 84, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, 126, 127, 186, 190, 203

Rubens, 172

Rufinus, 79, 85, 132, 157

Ryle, Bp. H. E., 11, 73

Ryssel, Prof., 39

Sabatier, 104

Sachs, Hans, 246

Salmon, Prof., 85, 117, 127

Sanday Prof., 235

Santerre, 172

Sayce, 154, 188, 212

Scholz, A., 76, 112, 119, 125, 133, 138, 159, 183, 198, 205, 207, 209, 225, 230, 235

Schrader, 196, 233

Schürer, 53, 71, 107, 117, 186, 191, 203, 214, 236

Scrivener, 154, 202

Sedulius, 80

Selden, 246

Selwyn; Prof., 111

Severus, Sulpicius, 79, 109, 167

Shann, G. V., 90

Shetach, Simon ben, 110, 122

Shushan, 106

Sidon, 114

Smith, Prof. G. A., 228

Smith, Prof. Robertson, 70

Sozomen, 230

Spencer, 139

Stähelin, O., 7

Stephens, A. J., 94

Stephens, Dean, 25

Stokes, M., 81

Strabo, 225

Streane, Dr., 9, 25, 29, 30, 75, 131, 209, 210

Susanna, St., 163

Swete, Prof., 25, 34, 53, 73, 157, 191, 216

Syncellus, 152

Tertullian, 8, 77, 161, 165, 236

Thackeray, 174

Theodoret, 80, 168, 182, 200, 201, 224, 239

Theodotion, 20, 34, 67, 107, 114, 126, 190, 193, 209, 215

Thomas of Harkel, 157

Tintoretto, 172

Toledo, 4th Council of, 87

Toy, C. H., 214

Trapp, 222, 226

Trent, Council of, 9, 13, 75, 232, 235

Trommius, 2

Valentin, 172

Van Ess, 18

Vatican, Council of, 13

Verecundus, 80

Veronese, P., 172

Waldo, P., 94

Warren, Canon F. E., 161

Walton, Bp. B., 105, 107

Wesley, J., 248

Westcott, Bp., 22, 30, 33, 53, 71, 104, 116, 127, 192, 200

Wheatley, 26, 40, 83

Wilson, Bp., 173

Wilton, R., 94

Wintle, J., 197

Wordsworth, Bp. Chas., 201

Wordsworth, Bp. Chris., 33, 69, 87

Wyon, W. G., 91

Xerxes, 225

Yonge, Miss, 242

Zimmer, 91

Zöckler, 21, 69, 217

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