1. Lo! Death was prompt beforehand, to mock Satan: him who was doomed to become a mockery at the last. -- 2. R., Glory to Thee Who by Thy crucifixion, didst conquer the Evil One: and by Thy resurrection gain victory, likewise over Death! -- 3. And for our Lord's sake Death spake curses on him: who was the cause of His shame, and crucifixion. -- 4. D., The fiery pit be thy grave, O Satan: who blasphemedst the Voice from the grave, that rent the graves -- 5. My Lord I know, and the Son of my Lord, O thou Satan! thou hast denied thy Lord, and crucified the Son of thy Lord. -- 6. This is the name that fits thee, "Slayer of thy Lord": when He appears Whom thou slewest, He shall slay thee. -- 7. At thee shall every one shake the head, for by thee the chiefs: shook their heads at Him, the Lord of life. -- 8. A bruised reed under the feet, of the just shalt thou be: for through thee they put a reed in His hand, Who upholds all. -- 9. With a crown of thorns was He crowned, to signify: that He took the diadem of the kingdom, of the house of David. -- 10. With a crown of thorns was He crowned, the King of kings: but He took the diadem of the king, of those that shamed him. -- 11. In the robes of mockery that they gave him, in those He mocked them: for He took the raiment of glory, of priests and kings. -- 12. To vinegar is thy memory akin, O thou Satan: who didst offer vinegar for the thirst, of the Fount of Life. -- 13. The hand shall every man lift against thee who strengthenedst the hand that smote Him by Whose hand, all creatures stand. -- 14. He was smitten by the hand and He cut off the hand, of Caiaphas: the hand of the priesthood is cut off, in the cutting off of the unction. -- 15. On the pillar again they stretched Him, as for scourging: Him Whose pillar went before, to guide their tribes. -- 16. The pillar on the pillar, He was scourged: He removed Himself from out of Zion, and its fall came. -- 17. When they put two beams together, to form the Cross: He broke them, even the two staves, the guardians of them. -- 18. Ezekiel put together the sticks, the two in one: in the two beams of the Cross, their staves have ceased. -- 19. The two sticks, as it were wings, bore the people: lo! his two staves were broken, even as his wings. -- 20. The bosom and wings of the Cross, He opened in mercy: its pinions bowed and bore the nations, to go to Eden. -- 21. It is akin to the Tree of Life, and unto the son of its stock: it leads its beloved that on its boughs, they may feed on its fruits. -- 22. Go howl and weep, Evil One, for me and for you: for not one of us shall enter the "Garden of Life." -- 23. S., Now that thou hast confessed O Death, come let me tell thee: that all this discourse of thine, to me is idle talk. -- 24. I will go and watch the snares, which I have set: thou too, Death, fly and look after, all that are sick. -- 25. Our Lord has brought both to nought, on either hand: the Evil One shall be brought to nought here, and Death hereafter there. |