Those persons who follow the doctrines of Arminius, who was pastor at Amsterdam, and afterwards professor of divinity at Leyden. Arminius had been educated in the opinions of Calvin; but, thinking the doctrine of that great man, with regard to free will, predestination, and grace, too severe, he began to express his doubts concerning them in the year 1591, and, upon further inquiry, adopted the sentiments of those whose religious system extends the love of the Supreme Being and the merits of Jesus Christ to all mankind.

The distinguishing tenets of the Arminians may be comprised in the five following articles relative to predestination, universal redemption, the corruption of man, conversion, and perseverance, viz.: --

"1. That God determined to bestow pardon and present salvation on all who repent and believe in Christ, and final salvation on all who persevere to the end, and to inflict everlasting punishment on those who should continue in their unbelief, and resist his divine succors; so that election was conditional, and reprobation, in like manner, the result of foreseen infidelity and persevering wickedness, (See Ezek.18:30-32. Acts 17:24-30. Matt.23:37. Rom.2:4, 5; 5:18.1 Tim.11:1-4.2 Pet.1:10; 3:9.)

"2. That Jesus Christ, by his sufferings and death, made an atonement for the sins of all mankind in general, and of every individual in particular; that, however, none but those who believe in him can be partakers of divine benefits. (See John 2:2; 3:16, 17. Heb.2:9. Isa.50:19, 20.1 Cor.8:11.)

"3. That true faith cannot proceed from the exercise of our natural faculties and powers, nor from the force and operation of free will; since man, in consequence of his natural corruption, is incapable either of thinking or doing any good thing; and that, therefore, it is necessary, in order to his conversion and salvation, that he be regenerated and renewed by the operation of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God through Jesus Christ.

"4. That this divine grace, or energy, of the Holy Ghost, begins and perfects every thing that can be called good in man, and, consequently, all good works are to be attributed to God alone; that, nevertheless, this grace is offered to all, and does not force men to act against their inclinations, but may be resisted, and rendered ineffectual, by the perverse will of the impenitent sinner. Some modern Arminians interpret this and the last article with a greater latitude. (See Isa.1:16. Deut.10:16. Eph.4:22.)

"5. That God gives to the truly faithful, who are regenerated by his grace, the means of preserving themselves in this state."

The first Armenians, indeed, had some doubt with respect to the closing part of the latter article; but their followers uniformly maintain, "that the regenerate may lose true, justifying faith, fall from a state of grace, and die in their sins." (See Heb.6:4-6.2 Pet.2:20, 21. Luke 21:35.2 Pet.3:17.)

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