God Incomprehensible. (844)
Thy way, O God! is in the sea,
Thy paths I cannot trace;
Nor comprehend the mystery
Of thine unbounded grace.
2 'Tis but in part I know thy will;
I bless thee for the sight;
When will thy love the rest reveal,
In glory's clearer light?
3 Here the dark veils of flesh and sense
My captive soul surround;
Mysterious deeps of providence
My wondering thoughts confound.
4 As through a glass I dimly see
The wonders of thy love;
How little do I know of thee,
Or of the joys above!
5 With rapture I shall soon survey
Thy providence and grace;
And spend an everlasting day
In wonder, love, and praise.
John Fawcett, 1782.