Brakman, C. J. "Observationes grammaticae et criticae in Salvianum: accedit appendix de Gennadii capite lxviii," Mnemolsyne, LII (1924), 113-185.

Brakman, C. J. Opstellen over Onderwerpen uit de Latijnsche Letterkunde, II, ch.17. Leyden, 1926.

Bruni, G. Un apololgista della Provvidenza fra le invasioni barbariche del sec. V d. C. Rome, 1925.

Ceillier, R. Histoire générale des a,uteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques, XV (Paris, 1748), 46-81.

Cooper-Marsdin, A. C. The History of the Islands of the Lérins. Cambridge, 1913.

Geffcken, J. "Stimmungen im untergehenden Weströmerreich," Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, XXIII (1920), 256-269.

Giraud, I. De Salviano dissertatio. Montpellier, 1849.

Haemmerle, Alois. Studia Salviana. Landshut and Neuberg, 1891- 1899.

Halm, K. "Über die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Salvianus," Sitzungsberichte der Münchener Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse, 1876, 390-412.

Hirner, F. X. Commentatio de Salviano eiusque libellis. Freising, 1869.

Histoire littéraire de la France, II (1735), 517-535.

Méry, L. Étude sur Salvien, prêtre de Marseille. Marseille, 1849.

Messenger, H. K. De temporum et modorum apud Salvianum usu, unpublished dissertation in the Harvard College Library, 1924. Summary published in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, XXXVI (1925), 180-182.

Moricca, U. "Salviano e la data del De gubernatione Dei," Rivista di filologia classica, XLTI (1918), 241-255.

Pauly, Fr. "Die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Salvianus," Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.- hist. Klasse, XCVIII (1881), 3-41.

Schmalz, J. H. "Zu Salvian," Berliner philologische Wochenschrift, XXXV (1915), cols.1041-1047.

Sternberg, G. "Das Christentum des fünften Jahrhunderts im Spiegel des Salvianus von Massilia," Theololgische Studien und Kritiken, LXXXII (1909), 29-78, 163-205.

Thouvenot, R. "Salvien et la ruine de l'Empire romain," Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, XXXVII (1918-1919), 145-163.

Valran, G. Quare Salvianus presbyter Massiliensis magister episcoporum a Gennadio dictus sit. Paris, 1899.

Waltzing, J. P. "Tertullien et Salvien," Musée Belge, XIX- XXIV (1920), 39-43.

Weston, A. H. Latin Satirical Writing Subsequent to Juvenal, Yale dissertation, 1915, 143-154.

WEYMANN, C. "Salvianus und Paulinus von Nola,' Historisches Jahrbuch, XV (1894), 372-373.

Wolfflin, Ed. "Allitteration und Reim bei Salvian," Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie, XIII (1902-4), 41-49.

Zschimmer, W. Salvianus der Presbyter von Massilia und seine Schriften. Halle, 1875.


[437] For the chief editions and translations of Salvian's works see Introduction, pp. 29 ff. and note 57. I have included in this bibliography only books and articles relating especially to Salvian. A fuller list will be found in Bruni, Un apologista della Provvidenza (Rome, 1925), 79-82, which includes some studies not accessible to me. General discussions of conditions in the Roman world in the fifth century are too numerous and too well-known to require listing here. For readers desiring an initial acquaintance with the subject, however, the following brief list may be of service: Bury, J. B. The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians, New York, 1928. Cambridge Medieval History, I: The Christian Roman Empire and the Founding of the Teutonic Kingdoms. Cambridge, 1911. Dill, Samuel. Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire, 2d ed. Cambridge, 1898. Halphen, Louis. Les Barbares, des grandes invasions aux conquêtes turques du Xe siècle. Paris, 1926. Hodgkin, Thomas. Italy and Her Invaders, I, 2d ed. Oxford, 1892. Lot, Ferdinand. La Fin du monde antique et le début du moyen age. Paris, 1927. In references in the footnotes, Migne, PL refers to the Patrologia Latina, CSEL to the Vienna Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, MGH to the Monumenta Germaniae Historica.

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