Of Washing the Hands.
But what reason is there in going to prayer with hands indeed washed, but the spirit foul? -- inasmuch as to our hands themselves spiritual purities are necessary, that they may be "lifted up pure" [8841] from falsehood, from murder, from cruelty, from poisonings, [8842] from idolatry, and all the other blemishes which, conceived by the spirit, are effected by the operation of the hands. These are the true purities; [8843] not those which most are superstitiously careful about, taking water at every prayer, even when they are coming from a bath of the whole body. When I was scrupulously making a thorough investigation of this practice, and searching into the reason of it, I ascertained it to be a commemorative act, bearing on the surrender [8844] of our Lord. We, however, pray to the Lord: we do not surrender Him; nay, we ought even to set ourselves in opposition to the example of His surrenderer, and not, on that account, wash our hands. Unless any defilement contracted in human intercourse be a conscientious cause for washing them, they are otherwise clean enough, which together with our whole body we once washed in Christ. [8845]


[8841] 1 Timothy 2:8.

[8842] Or, "sorceries."

[8843] See Matthew 15:10, 11, 17-20; xxiii. 25, 26.

[8844] By Pilate. See Matthew 27:24. [N. B. quoad Ritualia.]

[8845] i.e. in baptism.

chapter xii we must be free
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