The World is Best Enjoyed and Most Immediately While we Converse Blessedly and Wisely with Men
The world is best enjoyed and most immediately while we converse blessedly and wisely with men. I am sure it were desirable that they could give and receive infinite treasures: and perhaps they can. For whomsoever I love as myself, to him I give myself, and all my happiness; which I think is infinite: and I receive him and all his happiness, Yea, in him I receive God, for God delighteth me for being his blessedness: so that a man obligeth me infinitely that maketh himself happy; and by making himself happy, giveth me himself and all his happiness. Besides this he loveth me infinitely, as God doth; and he dare do no less for God's sake. Nay he loveth God for loving me, and delighteth in Him for being good unto me. So that I am magnified in his affections, represented in his understanding, tenderly beloved, carressed and honoured: and this maketh society delightful. But here upon earth it is subject t changes. And therefore this principle is always to be firm, as the foundation of Bliss; God only is my sovereign happiness and friend in the World. Conversation is full of dangers, and friendships are mortal among the sons of men. But communion with God is infinitely secure, and He my Happiness.
18 all these relate to
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