Wherfore Ionas was sore discontent and angre
Wherfore Ionas was sore discontent and angre. And he prayed vn to the lorde and sayd: O lord/ was not this my sayenge when I was yet in my contre? And therfore I hasted rather to fle to Tharsis: for I knew well ynough that thou wast a mercifull god/ ful of compassion/ long yer thou be angre and of great mercie and repentest when thou art come to take punishment. Now therfore take my life from me/ for I had leuer dye then liue. And the lorde said vn to Ionas/ art thou so angrie?

¶ And Ionas gate him out of the citie and sate him downe on the est syde theroffe/ and made him there a bothe and sate thervnder in the shadowe/ till he might se what shuld chaunce vn to the citie.

¶ And [the] lorde prepared as it were a wild vine which sprange vp ouer Ionas/ that he might haue shadowe ouer his heed/ to deliuer him out of his payne. And Ionas was exceadynge glad of the wild vine.

¶ And the lorde ordeyned a worme agenst the springe of [the] morow morninge which smote the wild vine/ that it wethered awaye. And assone as the sonne was vpp/ God prepared a feruent eest winde: so that [the] sonne bete ouer the heed of Ionas/ that he fainted agayne and wished vn to hys soule that he might dye/ and sayd/ it is better for me to dye then to liue.

¶ And god sayd vn to Ionas/ art thou so angre for thy wild vine? And he sayde/ I am angrie a goode/ even on to the deeth. And the lorde sayde/ thou hast compassion on a wild vine/ wheron thou bestoweddest no laboure ner madest it growe/ which sprange vp in one night and perished in a nother: and shuld not I haue compassion on Niniue that greate citie/ wherin there is a multitude of people/ euen aboue an hundred thousande that know not theyr right hand from the lyfte/ besydes moch catell?

then came the worde of
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