1 What blest examples do I find
Writ in the Word of Truth,
Of children that began to mind
Religion in their youth.
2 Jesus, who reigns above the skie,
And keeps the world in awe;
Was once a child as young as I,
And kept his Father's law.
3 At twelve years old he talk'd with men,
(The Jews all wondering stand;)
Yet he obey'd his Mother then,
And came at her command.
4 Children a sweet hosanna sung,
And blest their Saviour's name;
They gave him honour with their tongue
While scribes and priests blaspheme.
5 Samuel the child was wean'd, and brought
To wait upon the Lord;
Young Timothy betimes was taught
To know his holy Word.
6 Then why should I so long delay
What others learn so soon?
I would not pass another day
Without this work begun.