Title Page
Transcriber's Note.
Hymns. Book 1.
llected from the Holy
Hymn 1:1. A new song to the Lamb that was slain. Rev. 5. 6 8 9 10 12.
Hymn 1:2. The deity and humanity of Christ, John 1. 1-3 14. Col. 9. 16. Eph. 3, 9 10.
Hymn 1:3. The nativity of Christ, Luke 1. 30 &c. Luke 2, 10 &c.
Hymn 1:4. [Supplement] The inward witness to Christianity, 1 John 5. 10.
Hymn 1:5. Submission to afflictive providences, Job 1. 21.
Hymn 1:6. Triumph over death, Job 19. 25-27.
Hymn 1:7. The invitation of the gospel; or, Spiritual food and clothing, Isa. 55. 1 &c.
Hymn 1:8. The safety and protection of the church, Isa. 26. 1-6.
Hymn 1:9. The promises of the covenant of grace, Isa. 55. 1 2. Zech. 13. 1. Mich. 7. 19. Ezek. 36. 25 &c.
Hymn 1:10. The blessedness of gospel times; or, The revelation of Christ to Jews and Gentiles, Isa. 5. 2 7-10. Matt. 13. 16 17.
Hymn 1:11. The humble enlightened, and carnal reason humbled; or, The sovereignty of grace, Luke 10. 21 22
Hymn 1:12. Free grace in revealing Christ, Luke 10. 21.
Hymn 1:13. The Son of God incarnate; or, The titles and the kingdom of Christ, Isa. 9. 2 6 7.
Hymn 1:14. The triumph of faith; or, Christ's unchangeable love, Rom. 8. 33 &c.
Hymn 1:15. Our own weakness, and Christ our strength, 2 Cor. 12. 7 9 10.
Hymn 1:16. Hosanna to Christ, Matt. 21. 9. Luke 19. 38 40.
Hymn 1:17. Victory over death, 1 Cor. 15, 55 &c.
Hymn 1:18. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, Rev. 14. 13.
Hymn 1:19. The song of Simeon; or, Death made desirable, Luke 2. 27 &c.
Hymn 1:20. Spiritual apparel; namely, the robe of righteousness, and garments of salvation, Isa. 61. 10.
Hymn 1:21. A vision of the kingdom of Christ among men, Rev. 21. 1-4.
Hymn 1:22. [Supplement.] Flesh and Spirit. Rom. 8. 1.
Hymn 1:23. [Supplement.] A hopeful youth falling short of heaven, Mark 10. 21.
Hymn 1:24. The rich sinner dying, Psalm 49. 6 9. Eccl. 8. 8. Job 3. 14 15.
Hymn 1:25. A vision of the Lamb, Rev 5. 6-9.
Hymn 1:26. Hope of heaven by the resurrection of Christ, 1 Peter 1. 3-5.
Hymn 1:27. Assurance of heaven; or, A saint prepared to die, 2 Tim. 4. 6 7 8 18.
Hymn 1:28. The triumph of Christ over the enemies of his church, Isa. 63. 1 2 3 &c.
Hymn 1:29. The ruin of Antichrist, Isa. 63. 4-7.
Hymn 1:30. Prayer for deliverance answered, Isa. 26. 8-12 20 21.
Hymn 1:31. [Supplement.] The hidden life of a Christian, Col. 3. 3.
Hymn 1:32. Strength from heaven, Isa. 40. 27-30.
Hymn 1:33. [Supplement.] The gospel the power of God to salvation, Rom. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 18 24.
Hymn 1:34. [Supplement.] None excluded from hope, Rom. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 24.
Hymn 1:35. [Supplement.] Truth, sincerity, &c. Phil. 4. 8.
Hymn 1:36. [Supplement.] A lovely carriage.
Hymn 1:37. [Supplement.] Zeal and Fortitude.
Hymn 1:38. [Supplement.] The universal law of equity. Matt. 8. 12.
Hymn 1:39. God's tender care of his church, Isa. 13 &c.
Hymn 1:40. The business and blessedness of glorified saints, Rev. 7. 13 &c.
Hymn 1:41. The same; or, The martyrs glorified, Rev. 7. 13 &c.
Hymn 1:42. Divine wrath and mercy, Nahum 1, 2 &c.
Hymn 1:43. [Supplement.] The Christian treasure, 1 Cor. 3. 21.
Hymn 1:44. [Supplement.] The true improvement of life.
Hymn 1:45. The last judgment, Rev. 21. 5-8.
Hymn 1:46. [Supplement.] The privileges of the living above the dead.
Hymn 1:47. [Supplement.] Death of kindred improved.
Hymn 1:48. The Christian race, Isa. 40. 28-31.
Hymn 1:49. The works of Moses and the Lamb, Rev. 15. 3.
Hymn 1:50. The song of Zacharias, and the message of John the Baptist; or, Light and salvation by Jesus Christ, Luke 1. 68 &c. John 1. 29. 32.
Hymn 1:51. Persevering grace, Jude 24 25.
Hymn 1:52. Baptism, Matt. 28. 19. Acts 2. 38.
Hymn 1:53. The Holy Scriptures, Heb. 1. 1 2. 2 Tim. 3. 15 16. Psalm 147. 19 20.
Hymn 1:54. Electing grace; or, Saints beloved in Christ, Eph. 1. 3 &c.
Hymn 1:55. Hesekiah's song; or, Sickness and recovery, Isa. 38.9 &c.
Hymn 1:56. The song of Moses and the Lamb; or, Babylon falling, Rev. 15. 3. and chap. 16. 19. and 17. 6.
Hymn 1:57. Original sin; or, The first and second Adam, Rom. 5. 12. Psalm 51. 5. Job 11. 4.
Hymn 1:58. The devil vanquished; or, Michael's war with the dragon, Rev. 12. 7.
Hymn 1:59. Babylon fallen, Rev. 18. 20 21.
Hymn 1:60. The virgin Mary's song; or, The promised Messiah born, Luke 1. 46 &c.
Hymn 1:61. Christ our high Priest and King, and Christ coming to judgment, Rev. 1. 5 6 7.
Hymn 1:62. Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, worshipped by all the creation, Rev. 5. 11 12 13.
Hymn 1:63. Christ's humiliation and exaltation, Rev. 5. 12.
Hymn 1:64. Adoption, 1 John 3. 1 &c. Gal. 4. 6.
Hymn 1:65. The kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord; or, The day of judgment, Rev. 11. 15-18.
Hymn 1:66. Christ the King at his table, Cant. (Transcriber's Note: Song of Solomon) 1. 2-5 12 13 17.
Hymn 1:67. Seeking the pastures of Christ the Shepherd, Cant. 1.7.
Hymn 1:68. The banquet of love, Cant. 2. 1 2 3 4 6 7.
Hymn 1:69. Christ appearing to his church, and seeking her company, Cant. 2. 1-13.
Hymn 1:70. Christ inviting, and the church answering the invitation, Cant. 2. 14 16 17.
Hymn 1:71. Christ found in the street, and brought to the church, Cant.3. 1-5.
Hymn 1:72. The coronation of Christ, and espousals of the church, Cant. 3. 2.
Hymn 1:73. The church's beauty in the eyes of Christ, Cant. 4. 1 10 11 7 9 8.
Hymn 1:74. The church the garden of Christ, Cant. 4. 12 14 15, and 5. 1.
Hymn 1:75. The description of Christ the beloved, Cant. 5. 9-12 14 15 16.
Hymn 1:76. Christ dwells in heaven, but visits on earth, Cant. 6. 1 2 3 12.
Hymn 1:77. The love of Christ to the church, in his language to her, and provisions for her, Cant. 7. 5 6 9 12 13.
Hymn 1:78. The strength of Christ's love, and the soul's jealousy of her own, Cant. 8. 5 6 7 13 14.
Hymn 1:79. A morning hymn, Psalm 19. 5 8 and 73. 24 25.
Hymn 1:80. An evening hymn, Psalm 4. 8. and 3. 5 6. and 143. 8.
Hymn 1:81. A song for morning or evening, Lam. 3. 23. Isa. 45. 7.
Hymn 1:82. God far above creatures; or, Man vain and mortal, Job 4. 77-21.
Hymn 1:83. Afflictions and death under providence, Job 5. 6 7 8.
Hymn 1:84. Salvation, righteousness, and strength in Christ, Isa. 45. 21 25.
Hymn 1:85. The same.
Hymn 1:86. God holy, just, and sovereign. Job 9. 2-10.
Hymn 1:87. God dwells with the humble and penitent, Isa. 57. 15 16.
Hymn 1:88. Life the day of grace and hope. Eccles. 9. 4 3 6 10.
Hymn 1:89. Youth and judgment, Eccles. 11. 9.
Hymn 1:90. The same.
Hymn 1:91. Advice to youth; or, Old age and death in an unconverted state, Eccles. 12. 1 7. Isa. 65. 20.
Hymn 1:92. Christ the wisdom of God, Prov. 8. 1 22-32.
Hymn 1:93. Christ, or wisdom, obeyed or resisted, Prov. 8. 31 35 36.
Hymn 1:94. Justification by faith, not by works; or, The law condemns, grace justifies, Rom. 3. 19-22.
Hymn 1:95. Regeneration, John 1. 13. and 3. 3 &c.
Hymn 1:96. Election excludes boasting, 1 Cor. 1. 26-31.
Hymn 1:97. Christ our wisdom, righteousness, &c. 1 Cor. 1. 30.
Hymn 1:98. The same.
Hymn 1:99. Stones made children of Abraham; or, Grace not conveyed by religious parents, Matt. 3. 9.
Hymn 1:100. Believe and be saved, John 3. 16 17 18.
Hymn 1:101. Joy in heaven for a repenting sinner, Luke 15. 7-10.
Hymn 1:102. The beatitudes, Matt. 5. 3-12.
Hymn 1:103. Not ashamed of the gospel, C Tim. 1. 12.
Hymn 1:104. A state of nature and of grace, 1 Cor. 6. 10 11.
Hymn 1:105. Heaven invisible and holy, 1 Cor. 2. 9 10. Rev. 21. 27.
Hymn 1:106. Dead to sin by the cross of Christ, Rom. 6. 1 2 6.
Hymn 1:107. The fall and recovery of man; or, Christ and Satan at enmity, Gen. 3 1 15 17 Gal. 4. 4. Col. 2. 15.
Hymn 1:108. Christ unseen and beloved, 1 Pet. 1. 8.
Hymn 1:109. The value of Christ and his righteousness, Phil. 3. 7 8 9.
Hymn 1:110. Death and immediate glory, 2 Cor. 5. 1 5-8.
Hymn 1:111. Salvation by grace, Titus 3. 3-7.
Hymn 1:112. The brazen serpent; or, Looking to Jesus, John 3. 14 15 16.
Hymn 1:113. Abraham's blessings on the Gentiles, Gen. 17. 7. Rom. 15. 8. Mark 10. 14.
Hymn 1:114. The same, Rom. 11. 16 17.
Hymn 1:115. Conviction of sin by the law, Rom. 7. 8 9 14 24.
Hymn 1:116. Love to God and our neighbour, Matt. 22. 37-40.
Hymn 1:117. Election sovereign and free, Rom. 9. 21 22 23 20.
Hymn 1:118. Moses and Christ; or, Sins against the law and gospel, John 1. 17. Heb. 3. 3 5 6 and 10. 28 29.
Hymn 1:119. 'The different success of the gospel, 1 Cor. 1. 23 24. 2 Cor. 2. 16. 1 Cor. 3. 6 7.
Hymn 1:120. Faith of things unseen, Heb. 11. 1 3 8 10.
Hymn 1:121. Children devoted to God, Gen. 17. 7 10. Acts 16. 14 15 33. (For those who practise infant Baptism.)
Hymn 1:122. Believers buried with Christ in baptism, Rom. 6. 3 &c.
Hymn 1:123. The repenting prodigal, Luke 15. 13 &c.
Hymn 1:124. The first and second Adam, Rom. 5. 12 &c.
Hymn 1:125. Christ's compassion to the weak and tempted, Heb. 4. 15 16. and 5. 7. Matt. 12. 20.
Hymn 1:126. Charity and uncharitableness, Rom. 14. 17 19. 1 Cor. 10. 32.
Hymn 1:127. Christ's invitation to sinners; or, Humility and pride, Matt. 11. 28 29 30.
Hymn 1:128. The Apostles' commission; or, The gospel attested by miracles, Mark 16. 15 &c. Matt. 28. 18 &c.
Hymn 1:129. Submission and deliverance; or, Abraham offering his son, Gen. 22. 6 &c.
Hymn 1:130. Love and hatred, Phil. 2. 2. Eph. 4. 30 &c.
Hymn 1:131. The Pharisee and the Publican, Luke 18. 10 &c.
Hymn 1:132. Holiness and grace, Titus 2. 10-13.
Hymn 1:133. Love and charity, 1 Cor. 13. 2-7 13.
Hymn 1:134. Religion vain without love, 1 Cor. 13. 1 2 3.
Hymn 1:135. The love of Christ shed abroad in the heart, Eph. 3. 16 &c.
Hymn 1:136. Sincerity and hypocrisy; or, Formality in worship, John 4. 24. Psalm 139. 23 24.
Hymn 1:137. Salvation by grace in Christ, 2 Tim. 1. 9 10.
Hymn 1:138. Saints in the hands of Christ, John 10. 28 29.
Hymn 1:139. Hope in the covenant; or, God's promise and truth unchangeable, Heb. 6. 17 18 19.
Hymn 1:140. A living and a dead faith. Collected from several scriptures.
Hymn 1:141. The humiliation and exaltation of Christ, Isa. 53. 1-5 10 11 12.
Hymn 1:142. The same, Isa. 53. 6-9 12.
Hymn 1:143. Characters of the children of God, from several scriptures.
Hymn 1:144. The witnessing and sealing Spirit, Rom. 8. 14 16. Eph. 1. 13 14.
Hymn 1:145. Christ and Aaron. Taken from Heb. 7. and 9.
Hymn 1:146. Characters of Christ, borrowed from inanimate things, in scripture.
Hymn 1:147. The names and titles of Christ, from several scriptures.
Hymn 1:148. As the 148th Psalm. The same.
Hymn 1:149. The offices of Christ, from several scriptures.
Hymn 1:150. As the 149th Psalm. The same.
Hymns. Book 2. Composed on Divine Subjects.
Hymn 2:1. A song of praise to God from Great Britain.
Hymn 2:2. The death of a sinner.
Hymn 2:3. The death and burial of a saint.
Hymn 2:4. Salvation in the cross.
Hymn 2:5. Longing to praise Christ better.
Hymn 2:6. A morning song.
Hymn 2:7. An evening song.
Hymn 2:8. A hymn for morning or evening.
Hymn 2:9. Godly sorrow arising from the sufferings of Christ.
Hymn 2:10. Parting with carnal joys.
Hymn 2:11. The same.
Hymn 2:12. Christ is the substance of the Levitical priesthood.
Hymn 2:13. The creation, preservation, dissolution, and restoration of this world.
Hymn 2:14. The Lord's day; or, Delight in ordinances.
Hymn 2:15. The enjoyment of Christ; or, Delight in worship.
Hymn 2:16. Part the second.
Hymn 2:17 God's eternity.
Hymn 2:18. The ministry of angels.
Hymn 2:19. Our frail bodies, and God our preserver.
Hymn 2:20. Backslidings and returns; or, The inconstancy of our love.
Hymn 2:21. A song of praise to God the Redeemer.
Hymn 2:22. With God is terrible majesty.
Hymn 2:23. The sight of God and Christ in heaven.
Hymn 2:24. The evil of sin visible in the fall of angels and men.
Hymn 2:25. Complaining of spiritual sloth.
Hymn 2:26. God invisible.
Hymn 2:27. Praise ye him, all his angels, Psalm 148. 2.
Hymn 2:28. Death and eternity.
Hymn 2:29. Redemption by price and power.
Hymn 2:30. Heavenly joy on earth.
Hymn 2:31. Christ's presence makes death easy.
Hymn 2:32. Frailty and Folly.
Hymn 2:33. The blessed society in heaven.
Hymn 2:34. Breathing after the Holy Spirit; or, Fervency of devotion desired.
Hymn 2:35. Praise to God for creation and redemption.
Hymn 2:36. Christ's intercession.
Hymn 2:37. The same.
Hymn 2:38. Love to God.
Hymn 2:39. The shortness and misery of life.
Hymn 2:40. Our comfort in the covenant made with Christ.
Hymn 2:41. A sight of God mortifies us to the world.
Hymn 2:42. Delight in God.
Hymn 2:43. Christ's sufferings and glory.
Hymn 2:44. Hell; or, The vengeance of God.
Hymn 2:45. God's condescension to our worship.
Hymn 2:46. God's condescension to human affairs.
Hymn 2:47. Glory and grace in the person of Christ.
Hymn 2:48. Love to the creatures is dangerous.
Hymn 2:49. Moses dying in the embraces of God.
Hymn 2:50. Comfort under sorrows and pains.
Hymn 2:51. God the Son equal with the Father.
Hymn 2:52. Death dreadful or delightful.
Hymn 2:53. The pilgrimage of the saints; or, Earth and heaven.
Hymn 2:54. God's presence is light in darkness.
Hymn 2:55. Frail life and succeeding eternity.
Hymn 2:56. The misery of being without God in this world; or, Vain prosperity.
Hymn 2:57. The pleasures of a good conscience.
Hymn 2:58 The shortness of life, and the goodness of God.
Hymn 2:59. Paradise on earth.
Hymn 2:60. The truth of God the promiser; or, The promises are our security.
Hymn 2:61. A thought of death and glory.
Hymn 2:62. God the thunderer; or, The last judgment and hell.*
Hymn 2:63. A funeral thought.
Hymn 2:64. God the glory and defence of Sion.
Hymn 2:65. The hope of heaven our support under trials on earth.
Hymn 2:66. A prospect of heaven makes death easy.
Hymn 2:67. God's eternal dominion.
Hymn 2:68. The humble worship of heaven.
Hymn 2:69. The faithfulness of God in his promises.
Hymn 2:70. God's dominion over the sea, Psalm 107. 23 &c.
From the 70th to the 109th Hymn, I hope the reader will forgive the neglect of the rhyme in the first and third lines of the stanza.
Hymn 2:71. Praise to God from all creatures.
Hymn 2:72. The Lord's Day; or, The resurrection of Christ.
Hymn 2:73. Doubts scattered; or, Spiritual joy restored.
Hymn 2:74. Repentance from a sense of divine goodness; or, A complaint of ingratitude.
Hymn 2:75. Spiritual and eternal joys; or, The beatific sight of Christ.
Hymn 2:76. The resurrection and ascension of Christ.
Hymn 2:77. The Christian warfare.
Hymn 2:78. Redemption by Christ.
Hymn 2:79. Praise to the Redeemer.
Hymn 2:80. God's awful power and goodness.
Hymn 2:81. Our sin the cause of Christ's death.
Hymn 2:82. Redemption and protection from spiritual enemies.
Hymn 2:83. The passion and exaltation of Christ.
Hymn 2:84. The same.
Hymn 2:85. Sufficiency of pardon.
Hymn 2:86. Freedom from sin and misery in heaven.
Hymn 2:87. The divine glories above our reason.<
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