1 Come let us join a joyful tune
To our exalted Lord,
Ye saints on high around his throne,
And we around his board.
2 While once upon this lower ground
Weary and faint ye stood,
What dear refreshments here ye found
From this immortal food!
3 The tree of life that near the throne
In heaven's high garden grows,
Laden with grace, bends gently down
Its ever-smiling boughs.
4 [Hovering amongst the leaves there stands
The sweet celestial Dove,
And Jesus on the branches hangs
The banner of his love.]
5 ['Tis a young heaven of strange delight
While in his shade we sit;
His fruit is pleasing to the sight,
And to the taste as sweet.
6 New life it spreads thro' dying hearts,
And cheers the drooping mind;
Vigour and joy the juice imparts
Without a sting behind.]
7 Now let the flaming weapon stand
And guard all Eden's trees;
There's ne'er a plant in all that land
That bears such fruits as these.
8 Infinite grace our souls adore,
Whose wondrous hand has made
This living branch of sovereign power
To raise and heal the dead.