Matthew 11
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1It came to pass; when Yeshua [God is Salvation] finished teaching his twelve disciples; that he passed on from there after he commanded them to teach and reprove in their cities.

2Yochanan [Yah is gracious]; when he was in prison; heard of the works of Yeshua [God is Salvation] and sent two of his disciples 3saying to him: 'Are you the One who is to come or should we expect another?' 4Yeshua [God is Salvation] answered them: "Go and tell Yochanan [Yah is gracious] that which you have seen and that which you have heard": 5"the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are revived, and the poor are acquitted". 6"Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) is he who is not confused concerning me".

7It came to pass as they were going that Yeshua [God is Salvation] began to speak to the crowds about Yochanan [Yah is gracious]: "You went out into the wilderness to see what? A reed cast about by the wind"? 8"Or what did you go out to see? Do you think that Yochanan [Yah is gracious] was a man clothed in noble garments? Behold those who wear noble garments are in kings houses". 9"If so, what did you go out to see, a prophet? Truly I say to you that this one is greater than a prophet".

10"This is he about whom it is written: 'Behold I am sending my messenger and he will make the Way clear before you'"

11Again Yeshua [God is Salvation] ‘said to his disciples: "Truly I say to you, among all those born of women none has arisen greater than Yochanan [Yah is gracious] the Baptizer". 12"From his days until now 'The Kingdom of heaven' has been preached and senseless persons have been tearing it to pieces". 13"For all the prophets and the law spoke concerning Yochanan [Yah is gracious]" 14"If you wish to receive it, he is Eliyahu [my God is Yah]u [my God is Yah] who is going to come". 15"He who has ears to hear, let him hear".

16Again Yeshua [God is Salvation] said: "I will liken this generation to children who sit in the market place calling to one another," 17"saying: 'We sang to you and you did not dance; we wailed for you and you did not weep'". 18"Because Yochanan [Yah is gracious] came neither eating nor drinking and they say concerning him: ‘He is possessed of demons'". 19"But the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say concerning him: 'He is a glutton, a drunkard, and a friend to tax collectors and sinners. So fools judge the wise".

20Then Yeshua [God is Salvation] began to curse the cities in which his signs were done, for they did not turn in repentance. 21"Woe to you Korazin [here is a mystery] and woe to you Beit-Tzaidah [house of fish], for if in Tzor [rock] and Sodom [burnt] the signs had been done which were done in you, they would have turned in repentance at that time in sack cloth and ashes". 22"Truly I say to you, it shall be easier for Tzor [rock] and Sodom [burnt] in the judgment than for you". 23"You K’far-Nachum [town of comfort], will you ascend to heaven? From there you will be brought down. Because if in Sodom [burnt], the signs which were done in you had been done, perhaps she would have remained. Unto Sh’ol [underworld] you will be brought down" 24"Truly I say to you that it shall be easier for the land of Sodom [burnt] in the day of judgment than for you".

25At that time Yeshua [God is Salvation] rejoiced in his Spirit [Ruach] and said: "Be praised my Father, Creator of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these words from the learned and prudent and have revealed them to the humble". 26"Truly this is because it is good in Your eyes, my Father". 27"All has been given to me from my Father. There is none who knows the Son, but the Father alone, and the Father no one knows, but the Son and to whomever the Son wishes to reveal Him"

28"Come unto me all you who are weary and who are enduring labour, and I will help you to bear your yoke" 29"Take my yoke as your yoke and learn of me that I am meek and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls, 30"Because my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

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Matthew 10
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