Matthew 14
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1At that time Herod [heroic] the Tetrarch heard reports about Yeshua [God is Salvation]. 2He said to his servants: 'Behold I believe that Yochanan [Yah is gracious] the Baptizer is doing these miracles'.

3This happened because Herod [heroic] had seized Yochanan [Yah is gracious] in those days bound him in prison because he was reproving him that he should not take Herodias for a wife because she was the wife of his brother. 4Yochanan [Yah is gracious] was saying to him: "She is not permissible to you". 5Then behold Herod [heroic] wished to kill him, but he feared the people who believed that Yochanan [Yah is gracious] was a prophet among them.

6On the feast of Herod [heroic]'s birthday, he called the nobles of his kingdom to eat with him, and while they were eating, his daughter danced among them and it was pleasing to Herod [heroic]. 7He swore to give her whatever she asked from him. 8The girl being instructed by her mother, asked for the head of Yochanan [Yah is gracious] the Baptizer in a bowl. 9The king was very sad because of the oath which he had made before those invited. But he commanded to do so 10and sent to kill Yochanan [Yah is gracious] in prison. 11They brought the head of Yochanan [Yah is gracious] in a bowl and gave it to the girl and the girl gave it to her mother. 12Then the disciples of Yochanan [Yah is gracious] came and took the body and buried it and the disciples told the matter to Yeshua [God is Salvation].

13When Yeshua [God is Salvation] heard it, he departed from there in a boat and went into the wilderness of Y’huda [praise]. When the crowds heard they followed him from all the cities. 14When they came out he saw behind him a numerous people; so he extended kindness to them and healed all their diseases.

15At evening time his disciples came to him and said to him: 'This place is limited and the time is advancing. Let the crowds go into the towns that they might buy food for themselves'. 16Yeshua [God is Salvation] answered: "They have no need to go; give them to eat". 17They answered: 'We have nothing here except five loaves and two fish'. 18He said to them: "Bring them to me". 19Then he commanded that the people should sit on the grass. When they sat he took the five loaves and two fish and as he looked into heaven he Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) them, divided them, and gave them to his disciples and the disciples made distribution to the groups. 20All of them ate and were satisfied. They also ate the fish according to what they desired. After they had finished, they took the fragments, which remained, and filled twelve baskets with them. 21The number of those eating was five thousand men apart from women and children.

22After this, he commanded his disciples to assemble in a boat that they might go before him to the city to which the crowds were going. 23After he left the crowds he went up on a mountain and prayed alone. At the time of evening he was standing alone. 24The boat was in the midst of the sea and the waves of the sea were driving it because the wind was contrary. 25At the fourth watch of the night Yeshua [God is Salvation] came to them walking on the sea. 26When his disciples saw him walking on the sea they were alarmed, thinking he was a demon, and from the greatness of their fear they were crying out. 27Then Yeshua [God is Salvation] answered them and said to them: "Let faith be among you because it is I; do not fear".

28Kefa [pebble] answered and said to him: 'My Adon [Lord - Kurios of the earth], if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. 29Yeshua [God is Salvation] said to him: "Come". So Kefa [pebble] came down from the boat, walked on the sea, and came to Yeshua [God is Salvation]. 30But when he saw the strength of the wind he feared exceedingly and as he began to sink cried out and said: 'My Adon [Lord - Kurios of the earth], save me'. 31Immediately Yeshua [God is Salvation] stretched out his hand, took him, and said to him: "Man of little faith, why did you doubt?" 32When they went up into the boat, the wind became quiet, 33and those in the boat did homage to him and said: 'Truly, you are the Son of The Mighty One'.

34They crossed over and they came to the land of Ginosar [a garden of riches]. 35When the people of the place recognized him they sent into all that kingdom and brought to him all who were sick with various kinds of diseases. 36They implored him that he might be pleased to allow them to touch the hem of his garment, and each one who touched it was healed.

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