How can God 'see all' scientifically?
Proverbs 15:3: How can an omnipresent God “see everything” in a scientifically verifiable way?

1. Context of Proverbs 15:3

Proverbs 15:3 reads, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, observing the evil and the good.” This brief statement underscores an important concept: there is no location or circumstance where the Creator fails to see what happens. The immediate context of Proverbs 15 addresses both godly and ungodly speech, thoughts, and actions, focusing on the reality that nothing is hidden from the One who governs the moral order of creation.

2. Defining Omnipresence

Omnipresence signifies that the Creator is not bound by physical constraints of space or time. Scriptural references repeatedly assert that the Divine presence permeates all of existence (Psalm 139:7–10). In other words, as Isaiah 46:10 indicates, the LORD declares “the end from the beginning,” existing outside our temporal boundaries. This unique vantage point allows for complete knowledge of every event in time and space.

3. The Scope of Divine Knowledge

Biblical usage of “eyes” in Proverbs 15:3 is an anthropomorphic expression—using human terms to describe the infinite understanding of God. While humans use eyes to perceive the world, the Creator’s “seeing” is not limited by biology or physics. In Job 28:24, it is written, “For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.” This universal vision is consistently described through poetic language reflecting an all-encompassing awareness.

4. Philosophical and Theological Underpinnings

From a philosophical standpoint, an eternal Being who created space and time logically transcends them. Arguments for the existence of a Creator foresee a Mind capable of sustaining reality. This is reinforced by the biblical description of God as “from everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2). If the Creator stands outside finite boundaries, omnipresence and the capacity to observe all can flow naturally from that position.

Furthermore, modern observations in physics hint at a universe fine-tuned with fixed laws and constants. The Anthropic Principle points out that countless factors appear precisely calibrated to support life on earth. Such precise calibration is consistent with the idea of a supremely intelligent Designer whose perception and involvement saturate every aspect of creation.

5. Possible Scientific Correlations

While science per se cannot measure divine perception, certain principles can illustrate that what seems impossible to humans may not be impossible for a Being beyond human limitations:

• Quantum Observations: In quantum physics, particles can exhibit entanglement—instant interaction at any distance—suggesting realities that surpass classical spatial limitations. Although this does not directly prove omnipresence, it shows that our intuitive sense of space and time is not the final word on how existence works on the most fundamental levels.

• Fine-Tuning and Information: Research by those examining intelligent design (e.g., studies on “irreducible complexity” and the origin of biological information) suggests that the information within living cells points to an intellect outside of mere chance processes. The magnitude of such intelligence speaks to a capacity beyond the limitations of time-bound existence.

6. Archaeological and Historical Confidence in Scripture

Although the question primarily relates to omnipresence, it is important to note the reliability of the document making this claim. Archaeological discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the consistent transmission of biblical texts over centuries. Thousands of Greek New Testament manuscripts and fragments, as well as Old Testament manuscripts in Hebrew, show a strong preservation and unity of Scripture. These findings bolster confidence that the message of God’s omnipresence in Proverbs 15:3 is neither a late insertion nor a corrupted idea but part of the cohesive testimony of Scripture.

7. Behavioral Implications

Proverbs 15:3 reminds readers that all actions—good or evil—are observed. This awareness shapes ethical and moral behavior, reinforcing that actions carry accountability. In behavioral science, consistent moral conduct often stems from an internalized sense of being answerable to higher principles. Recognizing that good and evil are seen by a transcendent yet personal Being can foster moral responsibility and transformation of character.

8. Harmonizing the Concept with a Young Earth and Intelligent Design

Those who advocate a young-earth view propose that the world is not an unintended cosmic accident but a designed system brought into being purposefully and recently. This framework holds that if God spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1; John 1:1–3), it follows that He remains intimately involved in every part of it, “seeing” and sustaining the cosmos at each moment (Hebrews 1:3). Such an involvement aligns with the statement that God’s eyes are “in every place.”

9. Concluding Observations

Proverbs 15:3 depicts a reality far beyond our ordinary scope of perception. Since God, as revealed in Scripture, transcends time and space, He is not confined to any single viewpoint or locale. Rather, He uniquely knows all events, motives, and outcomes. Scientific avenues—though unable to test God’s omnipresence in the same manner as physical phenomena—offer glimpses into a universe filled with complexities and patterns suggesting a Designer who is both personal and all-encompassing.

Ultimately, the verse’s emphasis on divine vision is to encourage reverence, humility, and moral discernment, assuring readers that no deed—good or bad—escapes the notice of the One who governs all creation.

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