How can Jesus share glory pre-universe?
In John 17:5, how can Jesus claim to share glory “before the world existed” if science shows the universe had a singular origin billions of years ago?

John 17:5 and the Eternal Glory of Christ

“Now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory I had with You before the world existed.” (John 17:5)

1. Context of John 17:5

In this verse, Jesus prays to the Father shortly before His arrest. John 17 records His well-known “High Priestly Prayer,” in which He intercedes on behalf of His disciples and all believers. The reference to glory “before the world existed” underscores the shared eternal nature of the Son with the Father. This claim challenges the idea that Jesus was merely a finite teacher who came into existence at His birth in Bethlehem. Instead, He posits His existence as eternal.

2. Scriptural Testimony of Christ’s Pre-Existence

John 1:1-2 states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.”

- The phrase “in the beginning” mirrors Genesis 1:1. Interpreted literally, the Son existed at the creation of all things.

Colossians 1:16-17 likewise affirms: “For in Him all things were created… all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

- This view describes Jesus (the Son) as the active agent in creation, thus preceding any created thing.

These passages highlight that Scripture consistently presents Jesus as existing prior to the universe-pointing to a divine nature rather than a created being.

3. The Question of a “Billions of Years” Universe

Many modern scientists date the universe to approximately 13.8 billion years, rooted in origin theories often described under the heading “Big Bang.” Their evidence includes cosmic microwave background radiation, distant starlight measurements, and expansion rates.

3.1 Evaluating Historical Chronologies

• Traditional Biblical chronologies, such as Archbishop James Ussher’s, place the creation of the world at around 4004 BC. Advocates of this view scrutinize prevailing dating methodologies, suggesting that interpretations of the data hinge upon initial assumptions (e.g., uniformitarian processes, unchanging decay rates, or constant expansion rates).

• Organizations like Answers in Genesis (Ken Ham) and the Institute for Creation Research have presented arguments that point to anomalies in radiometric dating, helium diffusion in zircons, and soft tissue discoveries in dinosaur fossils, all of which they contend are better explained within a younger timeline.

3.2 Alternate Interpretations of Astronomical Data

• Some propose that light has not traveled for billions of years but was supernaturally set in motion when God created the heavenly bodies (Genesis 1:14-19).

• Others discuss theories (e.g., Dr. Russell Humphreys’ views on gravitational time dilation) suggesting that clocks on Earth could run at different rates than clocks in distant galaxies, impacting age calculations.

4. Philosophical and Theological Considerations

When Jesus speaks of sharing glory with the Father “before the world existed,” at least three major theological implications emerge:

1. Eternal Sonship:

- The statement reinforces the teaching that the Son has eternally existed.

- The concept of time originates with creation itself, implying that the triune God exists outside time (Psalm 90:2: “Before the mountains were born… from everlasting to everlasting You are God”).

2. Creator-Creation Distinction:

- By claiming a glory before the universe began, Jesus identifies Himself as non-created, placing Him in the realm of the eternal Creator rather than the created order.

3. Limitations of Human Perspectives on Time:

- Whether one accepts an ancient or young age, Scripture teaches God’s transcendence over time. God (and therefore Jesus) is not confined to constraints of physical chronology.

5. Addressing the Apparent Tension with Modern Science

Singular Origin:

- Even mainstream cosmology points to a definite beginning (often referred to as the “Big Bang”). Philosophers and scientists such as William Lane Craig have argued that a beginning of the cosmos is consistent with Genesis 1:1.

- A recognized origin aligns with the Scriptural claim that the universe is not eternal but brought into existence by the command of God.

Eternality of the Son Versus Created Matter:

- John 17:5 concerns the eternal relationship of the Father and the Son, not the mechanics or chronology of how and when matter first manifested.

- Regardless of how one interprets the “billions of years” from a scientific standpoint, the verse teaches that Jesus’ divine nature exists independently of creation’s timeline.

Reliability of Scripture:

- Archaeological discoveries (e.g., the Dead Sea Scrolls) support the integrity of the biblical manuscripts, showing remarkable textual consistency that affirms passages like John 17:5 have been faithfully transmitted. Scholars such as Dr. James White and Dr. Dan Wallace have documented these findings extensively.

- In light of Christ’s verified historical claims (including the resurrection)-thoroughly researched by evidential apologists like Gary Habermas and substantiated by historical data such as 1 Corinthians 15:3-8-believers maintain confidence that Scripture’s statements about Jesus’ eternal nature are trustworthy.

6. Reflecting on Intelligent Design and Divine Agency

Evidence of a Designer:

- Modern design theorists (Stephen Meyer, among others) point to DNA complexity, irreducible complexity in biological systems, and the finely tuned constants of the cosmos as signals of purposeful orchestration.

- This design is consistent with the biblical teaching that a personal God equipped with creativity and power is behind the universe’s origin (Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20).

Miracles and the Resurrection:

- The resurrection itself stands as a divine intervention that transcends natural processes. Scholars like Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel highlight historical documentation of the crucifixion and subsequent eyewitness accounts of the risen Christ.

- These miraculous events, noted carefully by first-century witnesses, support the notion that time and physical laws serve God’s plan-not the other way around.

7. Harmonizing John 17:5 with Creation Views

From a Young Earth Perspective:

- Jesus’ statement points to His eternal existence. If the universe is relatively recent, then His statement sits naturally with the idea that the Son of God existed before everything else, only a few thousand years ago by some counts, yet still infinitely earlier in existence than creation.

In the Context of an Ancient Universe:

- Even if one suggests an ancient cosmos, Jesus’ existence remains independent of any created sphere. His glory “before the world existed” emphasizes existence apart from the physical timeline.

In both viewpoints, the central message is that the Son’s eternal glory predates the start of any universe.

8. Conclusion

Jesus’ claim in John 17:5 that He shared glory with the Father “before the world existed” speaks to His eternal nature, which precedes all creation. Various scientific models propose vastly different timelines of the universe’s age. Yet the core teaching of the Scripture remains unaffected: the Son is co-eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Whether calculations point to billions of years for cosmic development, or a few millennia according to literal biblical genealogies, the pivotal teaching is that He who transcends and created time itself has the authority to speak of glory that exists independently of the physical universe. The reliable transmission of the Scriptures, corroborated by extensive manuscript evidence and underscored by Christ’s historically grounded resurrection, gives believers confidence that John 17:5 is accurate in identifying Him as the eternal Son, sharing divine glory with the Father before anything was made.

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