When is the Resurrection?
When is the Resurrection scheduled to occur?

Overview of the Resurrection

The question of when the Resurrection is scheduled to occur has long been central in biblical studies. Scripture describes a future event where believers will be raised to life, united with Christ, and ushered into everlasting fellowship. There are various perspectives on the exact sequence of events, yet a core theme holds throughout the Bible: God alone knows the precise moment. While believers are given signs and a general framework, the exact timing is ultimately a divine mystery.

Below is a comprehensive exploration of the key passages, relevant scriptural teachings, and supporting evidence on this topic. All direct Scripture quotes are taken from the Berean Standard Bible.

Scriptural Foundations for the Resurrection’s Timing

One of the clearest statements concerning timing is that it remains hidden from human knowledge. In Matthew 24:36 we read: “No one knows about that day or hour… but only the Father.” This establishes the principle that while prophecy provides indicators, the exact timing is God’s prerogative.

1 Corinthians 15 offers a foundational teaching on the nature and importance of the Resurrection. In verses 51–52, it speaks of a sudden change: “We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in an instant… at the last trumpet.” This passage points to a transformative event linked with the sounding of a final trumpet, indicating a climactic moment orchestrated by God.

In 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17, we find an emphasis on the return of Christ: “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command… and the dead in Christ will rise first.” This affirms that the resurrection of believers is directly tied to the Second Coming of Christ.

Multiple Phases of Resurrection

Scripture presents instances where scholars identify multiple phases or stages:

Resurrection of Believers at Christ’s Second Coming: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–17 explains that those who have “fallen asleep” in Christ will rise first, followed by living believers who will be “caught up” together with them.

Resurrection Following the Millennial Reign: Revelation 20:5 speaks of “the rest of the dead” coming to life after the thousand years. Some hold that the righteous are raised at Christ’s appearing, while a later resurrection involves final judgment (Revelation 20:12–13).

While details vary by theological tradition, these passages unite around the certainty of a bodily resurrection orchestrated in God’s perfect timing.

Key Events Preceding the Final Resurrection

Scripture references specific signs that are often studied in relation to end times:

Tribulation and Distress: Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 describe periods of great turmoil—wars, earthquakes, signs in the heavens—that signal the approaching culmination of God’s plan.

Worldwide Proclamation of the Gospel: Matthew 24:14 notes that the good news will be “preached in all the world… and then the end will come.”

Gathering of Believers: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–2 mentions a gathering to the Lord, which many interpret as aligned with the resurrection event.

These signs offer a broad framework, though believers are not instructed to pinpoint a date and hour.

Historical and Archaeological Corroboration

Ancient records like those of the Jewish historian Josephus confirm the deep-rooted hope of resurrection among first-century Jewish and Christian communities. Further, the early Christian creeds, found in manuscripts dated close to the events (e.g., the 1 Corinthians 15 creed with possible origin within a few years of the Crucifixion), affirm that followers of Jesus expected a bodily resurrection grounded in real historical circumstances.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in the mid-20th century at Qumran, have reinforced confidence in the consistent transmission of Old Testament texts, showing remarkable continuity with modern copies. Such evidence undergirds trust in the reliability of Scripture, including its prophetic elements about future resurrection.

Philosophical and Scientific Alignment

While the Resurrection is primarily a theological event, certain findings point indirectly to the plausibility of a supernatural Creator able to orchestrate such an occurrence:

Complexity of Life: Research in intelligent design highlights the intricate informational systems found in DNA, suggesting a Designer who can breathe new life into creation.

Geological Examples and Flood Evidence: Some interpret global flood geology models (e.g., large-scale sedimentary layers) as evidence that biblical history, including miraculous events, has a factual basis.

Such data, while not “locking in” a date for the Resurrection, reinforces a worldview in which miracles, including a future resurrection, are credible.

Diverse Interpretations on Timing

Christians hold different eschatological views—Premillennial, Amillennial, Postmillennial—relating to the nature and timing of Christ’s reign and the resurrection events. Yet all affirm the following:

Resurrection is Future: Humanity’s ultimate hope remains in an eternal life with Christ.

Trust in God’s Sovereignty: Believers are encouraged to watch for the Lord’s coming, living righteously until that day.

Practical Implications

Scripture teaches that the exact moment is known only to God (Matthew 24:36). Because of this uncertainty, the consistent exhortation is to live in readiness (Matthew 24:42). Believers are encouraged to persevere in faith, cling to truth, and cultivate hope in the final defeat of death.

The reality of a future resurrection shapes moral choices, personal priorities, and the pursuit of a life that honors God. Rather than a speculative obsession with dates, the biblical call is to “stand firm” (1 Corinthians 15:58) and participate in the redemptive work God is doing in the here and now.


Scripture provides ample clarity that the Resurrection will occur in God’s appointed time, accompanying the return of Christ. While specific days and hours remain hidden, believers have a confident hope rooted in the perfection of divine authority. The consistent manuscript evidence, historical records, archaeological discoveries, and the intricate design evident in nature all help substantiate trust in the Bible’s claims.

In sum, though no human can pinpoint the exact schedule, the Resurrection will unfold as part of God’s climactic plan, verifying once and for all His sovereignty over life and death. As 1 Corinthians 15:54 proclaims: “Then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’”

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