Difficult Questions and Answers How can ravens (1 Kings 17:4) realistically supply a prophet with enough food to survive, given the limited carrying capacity of birds? Bible Study Questions 1. How did Elijah demonstrate his faith in God's provision in this chapter? 2. What does the story of the widow's obedience to Elijah tell us about faith? 3. How might you respond to a command from God that seems illogical or risky, like the widow's response to Elijah's request for food? 4. How does Elijah's prophecy to Ahab reflect the consequences of ungodly leadership? 5. What do the miracles in this chapter reveal about God's character? 6. How does the resurrection of the widow's son symbolize spiritual rebirth? 7. How can we apply the lesson of God's supernatural provision in our lives today? 8. How did the widow of Zarephath's perception of Elijah change throughout the chapter, and why? 9. What role does trust play in the relationship between God and His followers as illustrated in this chapter? 10. How does this chapter address the theme of life and death, both physically and spiritually? 11. How can this story inspire you to trust God more in your daily life? 12. What steps can you take to exhibit trust in God's provision during challenging times, like the widow and Elijah? 13. How does the incident with the widow's son illustrate the power of intercessory prayer? 14. In what ways do you see the dichotomy of despair and hope played out in this chapter? 15. How do you respond to your own shortcomings and sins when confronted with them, like the widow did after her son's death? 16. In what way does the story of the widow of Zarephath provide a model of faith in adversity? 17. How can you apply the lesson of Elijah's obedient retreat from society to your own life? 18. Why do you think God chose a widow to showcase His power of provision and resurrection? 19. How does Elijah's isolation and God's provision in the wilderness mirror our own spiritual journeys? 20. In what ways can you echo Elijah's courageous faith in God's promises in your own personal circumstances today? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |