Difficult Questions and Answers (2 Chronicles 17:2) Where is the archaeological evidence for the numerous fortified cities supposedly built or maintained by Jehoshaphat? Bible Study Questions 1. How does Jehoshaphat's approach to his reign contrast with other kings mentioned in the Bible? 2. What principles of leadership can you derive from Jehoshaphat's actions and how can they apply to your life today? 3. How does Jehoshaphat ensure the spiritual growth of his kingdom? What are some ways you can promote spiritual growth in your own community? 4. Discuss the significance of Jehoshaphat sending officials to teach the Law of the Lord. How can this principle be applied to present-day religious education? 5. How does Jehoshaphat's religious reform reflect his personal commitment to God? What changes could you make in your own life to reflect your commitment to God? 6. How does Jehoshaphat's kingdom prosper as a result of his obedience to God? Can you share a personal experience where obedience led to unexpected blessings? 7. Why does Jehoshaphat feel the need to strengthen his military even while he was faithful to God? 8. Discuss the balance Jehoshaphat maintains between his faith in God and his practical preparations for defense. How can we maintain a similar balance in our own lives? 9. In what ways does Jehoshaphat's reign inspire you to live out your faith more actively? 10. How does 2 Chronicles 17 redefine success from a spiritual perspective? 11. How does Jehoshaphat's rule embody the theme of "reverence for God"? 12. Discuss how Jehoshaphat's respect for God influenced his leadership style. 13. How does the act of removing the high places and Asherah poles symbolize Jehoshaphat's spiritual cleansing of Judah? Can we identify any "high places" in our lives that need to be removed? 14. Jehoshaphat's kingdom received tributes from unexpected quarters. How does this illustrate the principle that God can make even our enemies to be at peace with us? 15. Discuss the role of education in Jehoshaphat's reform. How does this correlate with the importance of religious education today? 16. How did Jehoshaphat's actions create a ripple effect of change in his kingdom? How can our actions cause similar ripples in our spheres of influence? 17. How might the people of Judah have reacted to Jehoshaphat's religious reforms? How can we graciously accept and adapt to spiritual changes? 18. How can Jehoshaphat's proactive military strategy serve as a metaphor for spiritual preparedness in our lives? 19. Discuss how Jehoshaphat's leadership mirrors the ideal Christian life - firm in faith, zealous in spreading God's word, and yet prepared for the trials of the world. 20. Jehoshaphat prospered materially as a result of his righteousness. How can we avoid the temptation to equate material prosperity with God's favor, given that righteousness may not always lead to earthly wealth? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |