Difficult Questions and Answers How can the sudden acceptance of Jehu as king (2 Kings 9:1–13) be historically verified beyond the biblical text? Bible Study Questions 1. Why do you think Elisha chose Jehu to become king? 2. How does the prophecy and its fulfillment in this chapter reaffirm your faith in God's word? 3. Discuss the importance of Jehu's officers' response to his anointing. How does this reflect on leadership and followership? 4. What does the downfall of Ahab's house teach about the consequences of evil actions? 5. How can you apply the lessons from Jehu's story in modern times, especially in your professional or personal life? 6. In what ways does Jezebel's end reflect the biblical principle of "reaping what you sow"? 7. What parallels can you draw between Jehu's rebellion and modern struggles for power and justice? 8. How does this chapter highlight the significance of obedience to God's will? 9. Discuss the themes of divine retribution and prophecy fulfillment in the context of this chapter. 10. How can the consequences faced by Ahab's house serve as a deterrent to unrighteousness in today's world? 11. How might the turn of events in this chapter have affected the spiritual climate of Israel during Jehu's reign? 12. What do Joram's last moments reveal about his understanding of his family's sins? 13. Jehu was chosen by God to carry out his judgment. How does this speak to the idea that God uses individuals for specific tasks? 14. What lessons on leadership can be learned from the life of Jehu? 15. How do you reconcile the violent means by which Jehu accomplishes God's will with the concept of a loving and merciful God? 16. What lessons can modern leaders learn from the downfall of Ahab's house? 17. How does Jehu's response to his anointing demonstrate his faith and determination? 18. Considering Ahaziah's fate, how does this chapter reflect the dangers of keeping the wrong company? 19. Jezebel's defiance persisted until her death. What does this tell us about the hardened hearts of those living in sin? 20. In what ways does 2 Kings 9 challenge you to reassess your understanding of God's justice? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |