Difficult Questions and Answers How do we reconcile 2 Samuel 8:4 with the lack of archaeological evidence for such a large-scale chariot force?Bible Study Questions 1. In what ways did David display his faith in God throughout his military victories? 2. How does David’s harsh treatment of the Moabites challenge or conform to your perception of him? How would you reconcile this with his image as a man after God's own heart? 3. How can we understand the violence and brutality in this chapter in the context of our faith and our understanding of God? 4. What does David's dedication of war spoils to God tell us about his character and his relationship with God? 5. What can we learn from King Toi's response to David's victories? 6. How does David's administration demonstrate his leadership skills? Can we draw any lessons from this for leadership today? 7. In light of David’s decisive victory over Edom, how does this resonate with the promise God made to David about establishing his kingdom? 8. What qualities does David demonstrate that made him a successful and revered king? How can we apply these qualities in our own lives? 9. Why do you think David appointed his sons as priests, despite them not being Levites? How does this decision reflect upon David’s understanding of religious rules? 10. David achieved military victory, but also ruled with justice and righteousness. How can we balance strength and compassion in our lives? 11. How does this chapter reflect on the theme of God's sovereignty? 12. In today's context, how should we perceive our victories and successes? How can we honor God in our achievements? 13. How do we reconcile David's violent victories with the New Testament teachings about peace and love? 14. David’s story is one of victory and triumph. However, in our lives, we may face losses and defeats. How can we find comfort in God in those times? 15. How can we apply David’s righteous administration in our workplaces or in positions of authority we hold? 16. What do David's actions teach us about acknowledging God in every aspect of our lives? 17. How do David’s military actions resonate with the concept of ‘Just War’ theory in Christian thought? Do you think there are instances where violence can be justified? 18. In today’s world, how do we reconcile being humble in victory like David when societal norms often encourage boastfulness? 19. How can David's balanced rule - showing both might in battle and justice in leadership - serve as a model for modern leaders? 20. The story of David is one of an imperfect man used by God. How does David's life provide hope for us in our imperfection? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |