Acts 17
Difficult Questions and Answers
Acts 17:26 – How can all nations come from one man when genetic and archaeological evidence suggest multiple human origins?

Acts 17:22–23 – Is there historical or archaeological proof of an altar dedicated “to an Unknown God” in ancient Athens?

Acts 17:31 – What evidence supports the claim of a coming judgment by a resurrected man when such accounts defy scientific understanding of death?

Acts 17:16–17 – Why do Paul’s activities in synagogues and marketplaces have scant corroborating historical records outside biblical texts?

Acts 17:29 – If God is beyond images and idols, how do Old Testament instructions for sacred objects not contradict Paul’s teaching here?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Paul’s approach in each city reflect his understanding of his audience?

2. How does the reaction in Thessalonica illustrate the threat that the Gospel message can pose to established systems of power and belief?

3. Why do you think the Bereans were more receptive to Paul's message than the Thessalonians?

4. How does Paul use the Athenian's religious practices as a starting point for his message?

5. How can Paul's sermon on Mars Hill guide us in explaining the Gospel to people with a different belief system?

6. What are some "altars to unknown gods" in today's society, and how can we address them in our conversations about faith?

7. How does Paul’s message challenge both Jewish and Greek views of God?

8. How can we be more like the Bereans in our approach to studying Scripture?

9. How can we maintain our faith and continue our mission when facing opposition, like Paul did in Thessalonica and Berea?

10. How does the Athenian response to the concept of resurrection reflect different cultural understandings of life and death?

11. In our diverse and pluralistic world, how can we adapt our approach to sharing the Gospel as Paul did?

12. How does the presence of Dionysius and Damaris among the believers reflect the reach of the Gospel across social and cultural barriers?

13. How can we constructively engage with intellectual criticism and mockery of our faith, as Paul did in Athens?

14. What does Paul's engagement with Greek philosophy tell us about the relationship between faith and reason?

15. What strategies can we use to engage in meaningful spiritual conversations with people from different cultural and intellectual backgrounds?

16. How can we discern when to move on from a place or situation, as Paul did with Thessalonica and Berea?

17. How does Acts 17 challenge our understanding of God's omnipresence and sovereignty?

18. How does Paul's speech on Mars Hill illustrate the balance between contextualizing the Gospel message and maintaining its core truth?

19. How can we identify and address misconceptions about Christianity in our own cultural contexts?

20. How does Paul's journey in Acts 17 inspire us to persist in sharing the Gospel, regardless of the varied responses we may encounter?

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Acts 16
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