Difficult Questions and Answers How can the bodily resurrection mentioned in Daniel 12:2 be reconciled with modern science, which finds such an event physically impossible? Bible Study Questions 1. How does Daniel 12 relate to our understanding of the end times? 2. What can we learn about God’s character from the events prophesied in this chapter? 3. Discuss the significance of the resurrection mentioned in verses 1-3. How does this impact your personal faith? 4. How does the sealing of the prophecy in verses 4 and 9 impact your understanding of God's plan? 5. In what ways can we see the theme of wisdom and understanding developed throughout this chapter? 6. How does the mention of "time, times and half a time" contribute to the apocalyptic imagery in the book of Daniel? 7. Who is the figure "clothed in linen" and what is his role in this chapter? 8. What does the final blessing to those who wait and reach the 1335 days signify? 9. How does the promise given to Daniel in the final verse comfort and encourage us in our present day living? 10. How might you react if you were in Daniel's situation, not fully understanding the vision you were given? 11. How do the themes explored in Daniel 12 resonate with other prophetic writings in the Bible? 12. How can we use the teachings in Daniel 12 to navigate difficult times in our lives? 13. How does the portrayal of 'everlasting life' and 'everlasting contempt' influence your understanding of eternal life and judgment? 14. What does the sealing of the words until the end times imply about the nature of divine wisdom and our access to it? 15. What do we learn from the conversation between the man in linen and the two beings by the river? 16. How does Daniel's acceptance of the vision's mystery model faith and humility for us today? 17. What does the chapter imply about the relationship between wisdom and righteousness? 18. How does the concept of waiting play a role in our spiritual lives based on Daniel 12? 19. In the current state of world affairs, how can we apply the prophetic teachings in Daniel 12? 20. How does Daniel 12 encourage you personally in your faith journey, and how can you use its teachings to encourage others? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |