Exodus 4
Difficult Questions and Answers
(Exodus 4:2–5) How could Moses’ staff physically transform into a snake and then revert back without any natural or scientific basis?

(Exodus 4:6–7) What medical or supernatural explanation could account for Moses’ hand becoming leprous and instantly healing?

(Exodus 4:21) Why would God harden Pharaoh’s heart, seemingly undermining free will and complicating the path to liberation?

(Exodus 4:24–26) What is the significance and historical context of the bizarre episode where God seeks to kill Moses, and Zipporah circumcises their son?

(Exodus 4:22–23) In what way does God’s threat to kill Egypt’s firstborn reconcile with a just and merciful deity, furthermore aligning with the broader biblical narrative?

Bible Study Questions

1. How do Moses' doubts and fears resonate with your own personal experiences?

2. How does God respond to Moses' doubts? What does this tell us about God's character?

3. Why do you think God chose Moses despite his hesitations?

4. How can we apply God's reassurance to Moses in our own life when facing doubts about our abilities?

5. How do you interpret the miracle signs that God gives Moses?

6. How does the story illustrate the concept of faith versus sight?

7. Discuss the importance of Aaron's role. What does his willingness to aid Moses signify?

8. What does the episode of Zipporah's quick action to circumcise their son signify about the importance of covenant rituals?

9. God hardens Pharaoh's heart. How does this notion challenge or reinforce your understanding of free will?

10. How would you handle a situation where you were asked to take a stand against authority, as Moses did with Pharaoh?

11. How do the signs performed by Moses before the Israelite elders influence their belief?

12. Why do you think God chose to use signs and wonders to communicate His message?

13. How does Moses’ journey from doubt to faith inspire you in your personal life?

14. How can the lessons from this passage guide us when dealing with authorities or institutions that seem unjust today?

15. How would you respond if God asked you to do something you felt unqualified for, like Moses?

16. Can you think of a time when you had to rely solely on God’s strength and guidance to overcome a problem?

17. How can we remain faithful when the outcome of our actions is uncertain or when facing opposition?

18. What lessons can we learn from Moses and Aaron about courage and obedience to God's call?

19. How does the transformation of Moses from a reluctant speaker to a leader inspire your personal or spiritual growth?

20. In what ways does this story encourage you to approach current societal issues from a faith perspective?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Exodus 3
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