Difficult Questions and Answers In Genesis 38:1–11, why would God punish Onan’s refusal to father children for Tamar so severely, yet no comparable punishment is shown for Judah’s neglect of her? Bible Study Questions 1. Why did Onan refuse to fulfill his responsibility towards Tamar? How does this reflect on the concept of familial obligations? 2. What social norms and practices does this chapter highlight about the time period it was written in? 3. How does Tamar's deceptive plan reflect on the societal roles and expectations of women during that time? 4. How does Judah's reaction to Tamar's pregnancy reveal about his character and leadership? 5. How did Judah's recognition of his personal items transform the storyline? What does this say about the power of truth? 6. Discuss the birth of Perez and Zerah. What is its significance in the larger biblical narrative? 7. Compare Tamar's strength and resilience to that of women in your life. How would you handle such adversity? 8. What are the modern-day applications of the concept of levirate marriage? 9. How can we apply the lesson of accountability as seen in Judah's confession in our lives? 10. How does this chapter address societal biases and prejudices? 11. Can Tamar's actions be justified given the circumstances? 12. How does this chapter make you rethink moral dilemmas and the concept of right and wrong? 13. How does the relationship between Judah and Tamar evolve over the course of this chapter? 14. How does this chapter challenge our understanding of family dynamics and relationships? 15. What aspects of personal identity are portrayed through Judah's seal, cord, and staff? 16. How does the notion of justice play out in this chapter? 17. How can we understand God's role in the events of this chapter? 18. How can we use Judah and Tamar's story to navigate difficult decisions in our lives? 19. How does the story of Tamar inspire you in times of adversity? 20. What lessons about personal and social responsibility can we learn from this chapter and how can they be applied in contemporary society? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |