Genesis 47
Difficult Questions and Answers
How can Jacob realistically claim to be 130 years old (Genesis 47:9) without contradicting known human lifespans?

Why does the historical record offer little to no evidence of a mass Egyptian servitude to Pharaoh as portrayed in Genesis 47:13-20?

Is there archaeological proof that Joseph was elevated to such a high rank in Egypt as described in Genesis 47:1-6?

How can the land of Goshen be “the best of the land” (Genesis 47:6) given Egypt’s own fertile regions and the scarce mention of Goshen in historical texts?

Why is there no clear non-biblical documentation of both a severe seven-year famine and the Hebrews thriving in Egypt (Genesis 47)?

Bible Study Questions

1. How do the themes of trust and faith emerge in this chapter?

2. In what ways does this chapter illustrate the importance of wise leadership during a crisis?

3. How does Joseph use his power and position to aid his family and the people of Egypt?

4. How does the transition from Canaan to Egypt symbolize a significant turning point for the Israelites?

5. In modern times, what measures do governments take during crises, such as famines, that mirror Joseph's actions?

6. What do you think the psychological impacts of the severe famine might have been on the Egyptians?

7. How does the land of Goshen symbolize refuge and prosperity for the Israelites?

8. What does Pharaoh's acceptance of the Israelites say about foreign relations and acceptance of immigrants?

9. How can we apply the lessons from this chapter in dealing with current global issues like immigration, famine, and economic crises?

10. How does Jacob's final request reflect his spiritual beliefs and his connection to his ancestral land?

11. Discuss how Joseph's journey from being a slave to a leader in Egypt is an example of divine providence.

12. How can we reconcile the Egyptians' gratitude towards Joseph despite him reducing them to servitude?

13. How would you interpret the mutual blessings exchanged between Jacob and Pharaoh?

14. If you were in Joseph's position, would you have made the same decisions? Why or why not?

15. How does this chapter reflect on the importance of family ties and loyalty?

16. How does Joseph's management strategy during the famine reflect his wisdom and foresight?

17. How can we apply the lessons of resilience and growth in adversity from this chapter to our personal lives?

18. Can the law established by Joseph of giving a fifth of the produce to Pharaoh be considered fair? Why or why not?

19. How might the societal structure and economics of Egypt have changed due to Joseph's management strategies?

20. Discuss how the Israelites' sojourn in Egypt sets the stage for future biblical events.

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Genesis 46
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