Difficult Questions and Answers Joshua 4:1–9: How can we verify the miraculous nature of stopping the Jordan and gathering stones without historical or scientific proof? Bible Study Questions 1. What is the significance of the twelve stones taken from the Jordan River? 2. How do you understand the role of the stones as a "memorial to the Israelites forever"? 3. What does this passage teach us about the importance of remembering God's miracles and blessings? 4. How can we create "memorials" in our own lives to remember God's faithfulness? 5. What does the act of the priests standing in the middle of the Jordan signify about their faith and obedience? 6. How can we apply the concept of 'crossing over' into challenges we face in our daily lives? 7. How does the miracle of crossing the Jordan River on dry ground parallel the earlier crossing of the Red Sea, and what does this teach us about God’s unchanging nature? 8. What does the phrase "the hand of the LORD is mighty" mean to you personally and how have you seen it manifest in your life? 9. Why was it important that each tribe have a representative carry a stone? 10. What is the significance of Joshua setting up twelve stones at Gilgal? 11. How does the exaltation of Joshua by the LORD and the reverence shown by the Israelites parallel leadership roles in modern day church? 12. How can we effectively answer questions about our faith and experiences when asked, as the Israelites were instructed to do when asked about the stones? 13. How does the crossing of the armed troops reflect our readiness for spiritual warfare? 14. How can the return of the waters of the Jordan once the ark and priests had crossed serve as a metaphor for the restoration or challenges in our lives? 15. Why do you think it was important for the stones to be taken from the middle of the Jordan, where the priests were standing? 16. How can the phrase "the waters of the Jordan returned to their course and overflowed all the banks as before" serve as a reminder of the power of God? 17. How does the LORD's command to "always fear the LORD your God" apply in our present context? 18. In what ways can we bear witness, like the stones, to the mighty works of God in our lives to future generations? 19. How does the reverence shown to Joshua teach us about respect for God-appointed leaders in today's society? 20. How can the journey of the Israelites inspire us when we are faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges in our lives? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |