Luke 20
Difficult Questions and Answers
Luke 20:9–16: How can a just God expect a different outcome after repeatedly sending messengers and then His Son to violent tenants?

Luke 20:20–26: Does Jesus’ command to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s” contradict other teachings opposing oppressive rulers?

Luke 20:27–40: In what way is the concept of resurrection here scientifically or historically plausible if we have no evidence for life after death?

Luke 20:41–44: How can David call the Messiah “Lord” if He is also David’s descendant, and isn’t this genealogically contradictory?

Luke 20:1–8: How historically reliable is the account of Jesus questioning the religious leaders when there is limited external confirmation of this exchange?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus handle the challenge to His authority in this chapter?

2. What does the Parable of the Wicked Tenants teach about God’s judgment and grace?

3. How does Jesus’ response to paying taxes to Caesar influence your understanding of our dual citizenship (earthly and heavenly)?

4. What can we learn from Jesus' teaching about the resurrection?

5. How does Jesus' question about David's son demonstrate His divine wisdom and authority?

6. In what ways does Jesus’ warning against the teachers of the law challenge religious hypocrisy today?

7. How does the widow's offering illustrate the principle of sacrificial giving?

8. How can we apply Jesus' handling of difficult questions and confrontations to our own lives?

9. How does the Parable of the Wicked Tenants speak to our responsibility as stewards of God's grace and gifts?

10. How do you reconcile earthly responsibilities (like paying taxes) and spiritual obligations in your life, as taught by Jesus?

11. How does Jesus' affirmation of the resurrection comfort and encourage you about eternal life?

12. How does Jesus’ interaction with the Pharisees and Sadducees challenge us in our approach to understanding and interpreting Scripture?

13. In what ways does the warning against the teachers of the law prompt self-examination of our motivations and attitudes in religious practices?

14. How can you emulate the widow's sacrificial giving in your life?

15. How can Jesus' unflappable authority in the face of confrontation empower you in your personal and spiritual encounters?

16. What can the Parable of the Wicked Tenants teach us about receiving and responding to God's messengers today?

17. How can we balance our obligations to government authorities with our duties to God, as instructed by Jesus?

18. How does Jesus' understanding and explanation of the resurrection impact your view of life after death?

19. How can we guard against the kind of hypocrisy Jesus warned about among the teachers of the law?

20. In what practical ways can you express sacrificial giving and total trust in God like the widow in the temple?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Luke 19
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