Mark 12
Difficult Questions and Answers
Mark 12:1–9: Why would an all-knowing God repeatedly send servants and His own Son if He knew they would be rejected and killed?

Mark 12:13–17: If Jesus endorses paying taxes to an oppressive regime, how does that square with calls for justice elsewhere in Scripture?

Mark 12:18–27: How is the scenario of a woman marrying seven brothers historically plausible, and what does it imply about any scientific or cultural foundation for resurrection?

Mark 12:25: If people “neither marry nor are given in marriage” in the resurrection, what does that mean for the importance of earthly relationships?

Mark 12:35–37: How can David refer to the Messiah as “Lord” if the Messiah is supposedly his descendant, and does this contradict genealogies in other biblical texts?

Bible Study Questions

1. What does the Parable of the Tenants tell us about God's patience and eventual judgment?

2. How does Jesus' teaching on taxes challenge your understanding of civic duties and devotion to God?

3. In what ways does Jesus' explanation of the resurrection challenge common cultural views of the afterlife?

4. Why are the commandments to love God and love neighbor considered the greatest commandments?

5. How do Jesus' warnings against the scribes challenge the way religious leadership is viewed today?

6. In what ways does the story of the widow's offering impact your understanding of giving and sacrifice?

7. How does Jesus' handling of tricky questions from religious leaders teach us to respond to spiritual entrapment today?

8. How can you apply the principle of "loving your neighbor" in a practical way in your daily life?

9. Why does Jesus affirm the widow’s mite as more significant than larger donations?

10. How can you recognize and guard against the hypocrisy Jesus criticizes in the scribes?

11. What does Jesus' response to the Sadducees teach us about knowing the Scriptures and the power of God?

12. How should the understanding of no marriage in heaven affect our relationships now?

13. How can you demonstrate love for God in your everyday activities?

14. How might the religious leaders' reactions to Jesus' teachings compare to society's reactions today?

15. How does Jesus’ teaching about the afterlife give us hope for eternity?

16. In what ways can you give "all you have" to God, as the widow did?

17. How do you think the religious leaders felt when Jesus said they were misunderstanding the Scriptures?

18. How does the greatest commandment challenge societal norms and personal biases?

19. In what ways can we fall into the same traps as the scribes, and how can we avoid them?

20. How can we encourage a spirit of generosity like the widow’s within our communities?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Mark 11
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