Mark 5
Difficult Questions and Answers
Mark 5:1–13: How can demons scientifically or historically be transferred from a possessed man into a herd of pigs?

Mark 5:14–17: If a massive herd of drowned pigs caused such a stir, why is there no historical or archaeological evidence of it?

Mark 5:25–29: How could simply touching Jesus’ garment medically cure a woman’s long-term bleeding issue without any other intervention?

Mark 5:35–42: Was Jairus’s daughter truly dead, or could she have been in a coma, making her “resurrection” more of a misdiagnosis?

Mark 5 (general): Why do these dramatic miracles go uncorroborated by other contemporary sources or historical records from that period?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' authority over demonic powers, as seen in the healing of the demon-possessed man, affect your understanding of His power?

2. How does the healed demoniac's response provide a model for us after we experience Jesus' transformation in our lives?

3. What does the healing of the woman with the issue of blood reveal about Jesus' attitude towards social outcasts?

4. How can Jairus's approach to Jesus in his moment of desperation guide us when we face desperate situations?

5. In what ways can the healing of the woman with the issue of blood encourage you to approach Jesus with faith and expect healing?

6. How does the reaction of the crowd differ in each miracle, and what does this tell us about public perceptions of Jesus?

7. What is the significance of Jesus' words, "Don't be afraid; just believe," in the context of Jairus's daughter and our own lives?

8. How does the compassion and power of Jesus displayed in Mark 5 influence your relationship with Him?

9. How does the transformation of the demon-possessed man inspire you to believe in Jesus' ability to transform lives today?

10. How can we demonstrate faith like the woman with the issue of blood in our everyday lives?

11. How can we use our own 'healing' experiences to spread the good news like the demon-possessed man did in the Decapolis?

12. How does the resurrection of Jairus's daughter expand our understanding of Jesus' authority over life and death?

13. What does the response of Jairus's household to his daughter's resurrection teach us about responding to miracles?

14. How can we develop faith like Jairus in our prayer life?

15. In what ways can the faith of the woman and Jairus serve as examples for us in today's world?

16. How might you have reacted if you were a part of the crowd witnessing these miracles?

17. What steps can you take to bring about healing and restoration in your community, inspired by Jesus' actions in Mark 5?

18. In the face of skeptics or people who laugh, like in the case of Jairus's daughter, how can you continue to maintain your faith?

19. How does Jesus' interaction with the woman suffering from bleeding challenge societal norms then and now?

20. How do these stories inform your understanding of Jesus' compassion, and how can you demonstrate similar compassion in your interactions with others?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Mark 4
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