Difficult Questions and Answers How does Matthew 21:4–7 reconcile Jesus riding both a donkey and a colt, unlike the single animal mentioned in other Gospels? Bible Study Questions 1. What does Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem teach us about His nature and mission? 2. How does the cleansing of the temple reflect Jesus' attitude towards religious corruption? 3. What does the cursing of the fig tree teach us about faith and fruitfulness? 4. In what ways does the Parable of the Two Sons challenge our actions versus our promises? 5. How does the Parable of the Tenants foreshadow the events leading to Jesus' crucifixion? 6. How does Jesus' reaction to the religious leaders questioning His authority provide insight into dealing with unjust criticism? 7. How can we apply the lessons from the cleansing of the temple to our modern day worship practices? 8. What are the implications of Jesus' teachings on faith for our personal prayer life? 9. How does Jesus' response to the praise of children affirm His acceptance of sincere worship? 10. How do the parables in this chapter challenge religious hypocrisy? 11. In what ways can we guard against unfruitfulness, as illustrated by the cursed fig tree? 12. How can we demonstrate a faith that moves mountains in our current circumstances? 13. How does Jesus' entry into Jerusalem model humility despite recognition? 14. In what ways does the Parable of the Two Sons challenge us to align our actions with our words? 15. How can we ensure our places of worship maintain the purity and focus that Jesus demonstrated in the temple? 16. What can we learn from the religious leaders' inability to answer Jesus' question about John's baptism? 17. How does the Parable of the Tenants reflect on the consequences of rejecting God's messengers and His Son? 18. How does the religious leaders' fear of the crowds inform us about the power of popular opinion? 19. How can we cultivate a heart that produces the fruits of the kingdom, as implied in the Parable of the Tenants? 20. How can the Triumphal Entry inspire us to publicly recognize and honor Jesus in our lives today? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |