Matthew 9
Difficult Questions and Answers
Matthew 9:1–8: How could a paralyzed man instantly regain mobility without any medical intervention?

Matthew 9:18–26: How could a dead girl come back to life, contradicting standard scientific understanding of mortality?

Matthew 9:9: Is there any historical evidence that a tax collector named Matthew abruptly abandoned his profession to follow Jesus?

Matthew 9:32–34: How can demon possession be reconciled with modern psychological insights, and why does this account seem to conflict with known mental health principles?

Matthew 9:27–31: If Jesus truly healed two blind men, why is there no broader historical record or corroboration of such miracles?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does the healing of the paralytic demonstrate Jesus' authority over both physical ailment and sin?

2. What does Jesus' call of Matthew reveal about His mission and the types of people He seeks?

3. How do you understand Jesus' teaching on fasting and the metaphors He uses?

4. What does the healing of the bleeding woman teach about faith and determination?

5. How can the resurrection of Jairus' daughter inspire hope in seemingly hopeless situations?

6. What do the healings of the blind and mute men teach about faith and Jesus' power over physical and spiritual afflictions?

7. What insights can you draw from Jesus' compassion for the crowd?

8. How do you interpret Jesus' call for laborers for the harvest? How can you respond to this call?

9. How does Jesus' interaction with the Pharisees challenge traditional religious practices?

10. How does the faith of the friends of the paralytic inspire your faith actions for others?

11. How can Jesus' compassion for the spiritually lost affect your approach to evangelism?

12. How does the miracle of raising Jairus' daughter from the dead reinforce your faith in Jesus' power over death?

13. What do the various healing miracles teach you about the different ways Jesus responds to faith?

14. How does Matthew's response to Jesus' call to follow Him challenge you in your discipleship journey?

15. How can you apply Jesus' teaching about new wine in old wineskins in your spiritual life?

16. What lessons can you learn from the faith of the woman with the issue of blood?

17. How does Jesus' compassion towards the harassed and helpless crowds influence your view of His character?

18. How does the chapter's ending, with Jesus' call for workers in the harvest, apply to your life?

19. What implications does Jesus' authority to forgive sins have on your understanding of Him as the Messiah?

20. How does Jesus' mission to call not the righteous, but sinners, reflect on His grace and mercy?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Matthew 8
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