Difficult Questions and Answers In Nehemiah 1:1, how can we be sure Nehemiah actually served in Susa under the Persian king, given limited external evidence? Bible Study Questions 1. How did Nehemiah react to the news about Jerusalem and its people? How can we apply this reaction to today's world crises? 2. How does Nehemiah's prayer reflect his understanding of God's character? 3. In verse 6, Nehemiah prays day and night for the children of Israel. How does this reflect on his sense of responsibility towards his people? 4. How does Nehemiah's confession of sins in his prayer reflect on his understanding of the spiritual state of his people and their past mistakes? 5. What can we learn from Nehemiah's approach to prayer and fasting when dealing with personal or communal crises? 6. Nehemiah included himself in the confession of Israel's sins. Why might this be significant? 7. How does Nehemiah's prayer model humility and acknowledgement of God's greatness? 8. In verse 8, Nehemiah recalls God's promises to Moses. How can we use God's promises in our own prayers? 9. Why was it important for Nehemiah to pray for success with the king in verse 11? 10. How can Nehemiah's prayer inspire us to intercede for our communities today? 11. Why does Nehemiah describe God as "a God who keeps His covenant and extends loving kindness"? 12. How does Nehemiah's relationship with God influence his reaction to the report about Jerusalem? 13. How would you react to similar devastating news about your homeland or community? 14. What steps can we take to follow Nehemiah's example in our prayers and actions today? 15. What does Nehemiah's prayer tell us about the connection between confession, repentance, and mercy? 16. How can we apply the lessons from Nehemiah 1 to strengthen our spiritual leadership in our communities? 17. What role does fasting play in Nehemiah's response, and what is its significance for us today? 18. How can we incorporate Nehemiah's spirit of responsibility and love for his people into our own lives? 19. How does Nehemiah model dealing with grief and distress in a godly way? 20. What does Nehemiah's response to the state of Jerusalem teach us about responding to the needs of our communities today? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |