Difficult Questions and Answers If Obadiah 1:10–14 prophesies Edom’s utter destruction, why do archaeological records not uniformly confirm this total collapse? Bible Study Questions 1. What does Edom's pride teach us about the dangers of arrogance and self-reliance? 2. In what ways do you see the theme of divine justice playing out in your life or the world today? 3. How might you respond to injustice in your community, taking lessons from Edom's mistreatment of Israel? 4. How can the concept of the "Day of the Lord" shape our understanding of retribution and accountability? 5. What is the significance of Israel's restoration in the final verses of Obadiah 1? 6. How does the concept of God's enduring kingdom inspire or challenge you in your daily life? 7. Can you think of a situation where you were like the Edomites, ignoring the plight of others? How would you handle it now? 8. How can we apply the lessons of Obadiah 1 to improve our relationships with our 'brothers' in a modern context? 9. In what ways do you see Obadiah's message of hope for Israel manifest in today's world? 10. How can the prophetic voice of Obadiah shape your personal approach to social and global issues? 11. In what ways might pride be obstructing your spiritual journey, and how can you address it? 12. How can we ensure we don't become bystanders in the face of others' suffering, like Edom did with Israel? 13. In what ways does the metaphor of fire in Obadiah 1 reflect God's judgment? 14. How does the promise of Israel's restoration inspire you during difficult times? 15. What role does brotherhood and kinship play in our spiritual and moral responsibilities? 16. How can Obadiah 1 guide you in dealing with feelings of betrayal or disappointment? 17. How might the overarching narrative of divine justice in Obadiah 1 alter your perspective on current global events? 18. How does Obadiah's prophecy inform your understanding of God's sovereignty and His plans for humanity? 19. How does the imagery used in Obadiah 1 enrich your understanding of God's judgment and promise? 20. How can we practically promote justice, brotherhood, and restoration in our own communities, inspired by the teachings of Obadiah 1? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |