Difficult Questions and Answers (Psalm 16:2) How can the psalmist claim to have no good apart from God, when nonbelievers also demonstrate goodness and virtue without a religious framework? Bible Study Questions 1. How does David express his trust in God in Psalm 16? 2. Why does David reject the company of those who rush after other gods? 3. How does David depict God as his security in verses 5-6? 4. How does Psalm 16 describe the relationship between God and David? 5. In what ways can you seek counsel from God, as David does in verse 7? 6. How does David's understanding of God's presence influence his life? 7. In verse 9, David mentions that his "heart is glad." What makes your heart glad in your relationship with God? 8. How does Psalm 16 inspire you to find joy in God's presence? 9. David confidently declares that God will not abandon his soul to Sheol. How does this relate to Christian beliefs about eternal life? 10. What does Psalm 16 teach about the consequences of idolatry? 11. How does the idea of God being your "chosen portion and cup" apply to your life? 12. If faced with a difficult decision, how might you "keep the Lord always before you" as David did? 13. How can the confidence and faith of David in this Psalm encourage you in your current situation? 14. How can you use Psalm 16 as a prayer in your daily life? 15. How do you understand the phrase "in your presence there is fullness of joy" in the context of your personal spiritual journey? 16. David takes comfort in his inheritance from God. How does this apply to believers today? 17. How can you apply the idea of God as your counselor in your day-to-day decision-making process? 18. In the context of present-day living, how can we avoid the pursuit of "other gods"? 19. Reflect on a time when you have experienced the "pleasant places" described in verse 6. 20. What steps can you take to nurture the same kind of trust in God that David demonstrates in Psalm 16? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |