Difficult Questions and Answers (Psalm 26:1) How can David claim complete integrity when other scriptures say no one is without sin? Bible Study Questions 1. How does David's plea for God to "examine" him (v.2) apply to your personal spiritual journey? 2. What does it mean to "walk in faithfulness" (v.3), and how can you apply this in your daily life? 3. In what ways can you separate yourself from deceit and evil (v.4-5)? 4. How does the symbolic act of washing hands in innocence (v.6) resonate with you? 5. How do you express your love for God's house, like David does in verses 8 and 9? 6. How can you ensure that you stand on "even ground" as mentioned in verse 12? 7. How can you apply David's example of trust in God's judgement during challenging times in your life? 8. David seeks vindication from God (v.1). How does this concept differ from seeking vindication from people? 9. What does it mean to "not sit with the deceitful" (v.4) in today's context? 10. How can David's joy in proclaiming God's wondrous deeds (v.7) inspire your personal worship and praise? 11. In what ways can you relate to David's plea for God's mercy and protection from being swept away with sinners (v.9)? 12. What does it mean to walk in your "integrity" (v.11) in your personal, professional, and spiritual life? 13. How can you use David's prayer of Psalm 26 as a model for your own prayers? 14. How does Psalm 26 inform your understanding of divine judgement? 15. How does the theme of righteousness in Psalm 26 influence your understanding of living a Christ-centered life? 16. In Psalm 26, David proclaims his love for God's house (v.8). What does "God's house" symbolize in your personal spiritual journey? 17. How does the idea of being tested and examined by God (v.2) affect your understanding of personal accountability to God? 18. David's plea for redemption and deliverance (v.11) is rooted in his trust in God's mercy. How does this reflect your understanding of God's merciful character? 19. How does the repeated mention of "steadfast love" (v.3) shape your understanding of God's character? 20. In today's society, how can we apply David's model of distancing oneself from evil and falsehood (v.4-5)? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |