Difficult Questions and Answers Romans 13:1 says all governing authorities are instituted by God—how do we reconcile this with regimes responsible for genocide or oppression? Bible Study Questions 1. What does it mean to submit to governing authorities? 2. How can we reconcile the command to submit to governing authorities with situations where these authorities may act unjustly? 3. In what ways does love fulfill the law? 4. How does Paul's teaching on love challenge our current societal norms and personal habits? 5. What does it mean to wake up from spiritual slumber? 6. How can you apply the principles of "putting on the armor of light" in your daily life? 7. How does the idea of the nearness of salvation influence your attitudes and actions? 8. How can you "clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ" as Paul advises? 9. In what ways can we honor the commandments in our contemporary lifestyle? 10. What are some practical ways to demonstrate love to our neighbors in accordance with the teaching in Romans 13? 11. How does Paul's instruction about paying taxes speak to our attitudes towards societal responsibilities? 12. What does it mean to live honorably as in the day? 13. How does Romans 13 challenge our perceptions of civil authority? 14. How can we navigate situations where civil law and God's law appear to be in conflict? 15. What are some practical steps to avoid debauchery, dissension, and jealousy? 16. How can you exhibit more respect for authorities in your life? 17. How can we balance our earthly responsibilities (like paying taxes) with our spiritual responsibilities? 18. How does Paul's emphasis on love affect your understanding of the Christian faith? 19. How can you practice living in the light in your current circumstances? 20. How does the teaching in Romans 13 inspire you to live differently in the present day? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |