Romans 16
Difficult Questions and Answers
Romans 16:1 – Does referring to Phoebe as a “servant” or “deacon” challenge traditional views on women’s roles in the early church?

Romans 16:7 – How does the mention of Junia as “outstanding among the apostles” align or conflict with other New Testament teachings on apostolic authority and gender roles?

Romans 16:16 – Is the command to greet one another with a holy kiss still applicable today, or does it indicate outdated cultural practices in scripture?

Romans 16:17 – Could Paul’s warning against those who cause divisions ironically highlight the divisions his own writings have spurred within Christianity?

Romans 16:20 – How does the statement that God will “soon” crush Satan under believers’ feet square with the centuries that have passed without this apparent triumph occurring?

Bible Study Questions

1. Why do you think Paul listed so many people in his greetings?

2. What can we learn from Paul's affirmations and appreciation for his fellow workers?

3. How should we handle those who create divisions and obstacles in the church today?

4. In what ways can we apply the concept of being "wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" in our daily lives?

5. How can Paul’s warning against divisive people guide your interactions within your Christian community?

6. How does Paul's doxology at the end of the chapter inspire you?

7. What can you learn from the manner in which Paul concludes his letter?

8. How does the disclosure of the once secret mystery affect your understanding of God’s plan?

9. In what ways does Paul's greeting promote the sense of community in the church?

10. How can we acknowledge and appreciate those who work hard in the Lord in our own communities?

11. What steps can you take to protect your Christian community from divisive influences?

12. How does this chapter reflect on the importance of everyone's role in a Christian community?

13. What can we learn from the roles of different individuals mentioned in this chapter?

14. How does Paul's recognition of several women in the church speak to their role in the early church?

15. How does the promise of God crushing Satan under their feet encourage you in your personal spiritual warfare?

16. How can you foster unity within your own church or Christian community?

17. How does Paul’s greeting to the Roman church demonstrate his affection for the universal church?

18. How does the final doxology reflect the overall themes of the book of Romans?

19. How can you apply the principles of the gospel to foster personal relationships within your church?

20. Reflect on the role of women like Phoebe in this chapter. How does this change or reinforce your understanding of women's roles in the early church and today?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Romans 15
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