Acts 16
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1Paul first went to Derbe and then Lystra; where a disciple named Timothy lived. Timothy was the son of a Jewish mother who was a believer; but his father was a Greek. 2Timothy was well regarded by the believers at Lystra and Iconium. 3Paul wanted to take him with him; and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in that area; for they all knew that his father was a Greek. 4And as they traveled from town to town, they reported to the townsfolk the decisions made by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem, regarding what laws were to be obeyed. 5And so the churches were established in the faith, and increased in numbers daily. 6They went throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, but they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in the province of Asia, 7When they reached the border of Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia; but the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them to. 8And so they passed by Mysia, and went down to Troas.

9And during the night, Paul had a vision in which he saw a man of Macedonia, standing and begging him, saying, “Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” 10And so, we immediately prepared to go into Macedonia, being assured that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.

It is probable that Luke, the author of the book of Acts, had joined the missionary party at this point; and this would explain the abrupt narrative switch from 3rd person (“they”) to 1st person, (“we” &”us”) in verses 10.

11Therefore, we embarked from Troas, and sailed with a straight course to Samothracia, (Samothrace) and the following day to Neapolis. 12And from there, we went to Philippi, which is a Roman colony and a major city of that part of Macedonia; and we stayed there for several days. 13And on the Sabbath, we went outside the city gate beside the river, where we thought people would likely gather for prayer; and we sat down, and spoke to some women who were there. 14And one of those listening to Paul was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth, and a worshipper of God, from the city of Thyatira; and as she listened to Paul, her heart was opened to the Lord. 15She and members of her household were then baptized, and then she invited us to her home, saying, “If you agree that I am a true believer in the Lord, come and stay in my house.” And she urged us until we agreed.

16And once, when we went to a place prayer, a slave girl possessed by a spirit of divination (by which she predicted the future) met us, who earned her owners much money by soothsaying (her predictions). 17And she followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who have come to show (tell) you the way to be saved.” 18And she did this for many days. Finally, Paul became so grieved, that he turned and said to the spirit, “I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her.” And it came out of her. 19And when her owners realized that their revenue source was gone, they seized Paul and Silas, and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities, 20And brought them to the magistrates, and said, “These men are Jews; and are causing trouble in our city. 21They are teaching customs that are not lawful for us, as Romans, to accept or abide by.” 22And the crowd joined in the attack upon Paul and Silas. Then the magistrates stripped off their clothes, and commanded that they be beaten. 23And after they had laid many stripes upon them, they threw them into prison, ordering the jailer to guard them carefully; 24And so, having received such an order, he put them into the inner cell, and clamped their feet in the stocks.

25And about midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying, and singing praises unto God, with the other prisoners hearing them, 26There was suddenly a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors flew open, and everyone's chains fell off. 27And the jailer awoke from his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, and assuming that all the prisoners had escaped, he drew his sword, and was about to kill himself. 28But Paul shouted, “Do not harm yourself; we are all here.” 29Then the jailer called for a lamp, and sprang in, and fell, trembling, before Paul and Silas, 30And then he brought them out, and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your household.” 32And they shared with him, and all his household, the word of the Lord. 33And then, the same hour, the jailer took them and washed their stripes; and then he and all his household were baptized. 34And when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his household. 35And when it was day, the magistrates sent officers, saying, “Let those men go.” 36And then the jailer told Paul, “The magistrates have sent to say to let you go; therefore, you may leave, and go in peace.” 37But Paul replied, “They have beaten us publicly, without a trial, even though we are Roman citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and now they want to send us off quietly? No! Let them come themselves and escort us out.” 38And the officers reported these words to the magistrates; and, when they heard that they were Romans, they were alarmed 39And they came and apologized to them, and escorted them out, and asked them to leave the city. 40And so Paul and Silas came out of the prison, and went to the house of Lydia; and after seeing and reassuring the believers there. they departed.

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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