Isaiah 3
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1The LORD, the LORD Almighty, is about to take away from Jerusalem and Judah all that they depend upon - their supply of food and water, 2Their mighty warrior, the judge, the prophet, the prudent, and the elder, 3The officers of fifty, officers of rank and authority, counselors, skillful craftsman, and the eloquent orator. 4And I will make immature youths their rulers, and mere children shall rule over them. 5And the people shall oppress each other - neighbor against neighbor; the insolent child shall disrespect the elderly, and the riff-raff shall be defiant toward the few that are worthy of honor. 6A man shall grab his brother and say, “Since you have a cloak, you can be our ruler, and manage this mess!” 7And he shall respond with, “No! I cannot fix this; for I have neither food or anything else to meet the needs; do not put me in charge of the people.” 8For Jerusalem will stumble, and Judah will fall; because their words and deeds are against the LORD, defying Him to His face. 9The very look on their faces testifies against them; and they parade their sin as Sodom did; they make no attempt to hide it. Woe unto them! For they have brought destruction upon themselves. 10Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them; for they shall enjoy the rich reward of their doings. 11But woe unto the wicked! For their reward shall be exactly what they deserve. 12Childish leaders oppress My people, women and children rule over them. O My people, your leaders mislead you and cause you to err, and send you down destructive paths.

13The LORD stands up to plead, rising to judge the people. 14The LORD will come forward to pronounce judgment upon the elders of His people, and their leaders: “It is you who have ruined My vineyard; and what you have stolen from the poor is stashed in your houses. 15What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the poor to pieces?” Says the LORD God of hosts.

16Moreover, the LORD says, “Because the women of Zion are haughty, and walking along with outstretched necks and flirtatious eyes, strutting with mincing steps and swaying hips, with tinkling ornaments on their feet.” 17Therefore, the LORD will afflict the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion with a scab, and the LORD will make their scalps bald. 18On that day the LORD will take away the finery of their tinkling anklets, their headbands, and their crescent necklaces, 19The pendants, bracelets, and veils, 20The headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes, and the amulets, 21The signet rings, and nose rings, 22The festive robes, mantles, cloaks, and the handbags, 23The hand mirrors, and the fine linen garments, the tiaras, and the shawls. 24And instead of sweet fragrance there shall be stench; instead of a sash, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a robe, burlap; and branding instead of beauty.

25Your men shall die by the sword, and your warriors in battle. 26The gates of Zion shall lament and mourn; and, being desolate, she shall sit on the ground.

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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Isaiah 2
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