Isaiah 43
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1But, now, thus says the LORD Who created you, O Jacob, and He Who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not; for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are Mine. 2When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; nor shall the flame set you ablaze. 3For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I gave Egypt to ransom your freedom, Ethiopia (Cush) and Seba in your place. 4Since you were precious and honored in My sight, and I have loved you; therefore, I will give people in exchange for your life. 5Fear not; for I am with you. I will bring your children from the east, and gather you from the west; 6I will say to the north, ‘Give up’; and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back; bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth, 7Everyone who is called by My name;’ for I have created him (Israel) for My glory, I have formed him; yes, I have made him.”

8“Lead out those that have eyes, but are blind, and have ears, but are deaf. 9Let all the nations come together, and the people be assembled. Which of their gods foretold this, and showed us former things? Let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them validate them, and say, ‘It is true.’ 10You are My witnesses”, says the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen; that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He; before Me there was never a God, nor shall there be after Me. 11I, even I, am the LORD; and beside Me there is no savior. 12I have revealed, and have saved, and I have shown, when there was no strange god among you; therefore, you are My witnesses,” says the LORD, that “I am God. 13Yes, before there was ever a day, I am He; and there is none that can snatch anyone out of My hand; what I do, no one can hinder or undo.”

14Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; “For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, as fugitives, who took great pride in their ships. 15I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.” 16Thus says the LORD, Who made a path through the (Red) sea, and a path in the mighty waters; 17Who lured (Egypt’s) chariots and horses, all the power of their army; that they should lie down together, never to rise; they are extinct, snuffed out like a wick. 18“Forget the former things, do not dwell in the past. 19Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way through the wilderness, and streams in the desert. 20The wild animals shall honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I provide waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to provide drink for My chosen people, 21People that I have formed for Myself; that they may honor Me with praise.

22“But you have not called upon Me, Jacob; but have grown tired of Me, O Israel. 23You have not brought Me the sheep for burnt offerings; nor have you honored Me with your sacrifices. I have not burdened you to serve with an offering, nor wearied you with incense. 24You have bought Me no sweet cane with money, nor have you offered Me the fat of your sacrifices; but you have burdened Me with your sins; but you have wearied Me with your offenses. 25I, even I, am He Who blots out your transgressions for My Own sake, and will not remember your sins. 26Let us review and discuss together the past; while you state the case for your innocence. 27From the very beginning, your first ancestor sinned against Me, and those I sent to teach you rebelled against Me. 28That is why I have had contempt for the priests of the sanctuary, and have chastised Jacob, and put Israel to shame.”

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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