Isaiah 8
Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter EditionKJP 

1Moreover, the LORD said to me, “Take a large scroll, and write in it with a pen concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz” (which means, “Haste-spoil-quick-prey”). 2And I (Isaiah) took Uriah, the priest, and Zechariah, son of Jeberechiah, to record as my faithful witnesses. 3And I went in unto (slept with my wife), the prophetess; and she conceived, and bore a son. Then the LORD told me, “Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz (“Haste-spoil-quick-prey”). 4For before the child shall learn to cry, ‘My father’, or ‘My mother’ (within one or two years), the riches of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria (Israel) shall be carried away by the king of Assyria.”

5The LORD again said to me, 6“Because this people (of Judah) refuse (My care, which is like) the gently flowing waters of Shiloah (or Siloam, the perennial fountain of Jerusalem, symbolizing God’s divine protection), and rejoice in (take comfort in the retreat of their invaders at the approach of), Rezin and Remaliah's son,” 7Therefore, the LORD is about to bring up against them the (uncontrollable) floodwaters of the Euphrates River (as opposed to a gentle fountain), the king of Assyria, with all his pomp and glory; and he shall overflow all its channels, and overrun all its banks. 8And he shall sweep through Judah; swirling over it, he shall reach up to the neck; and his outstretched wings shall fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanuel!” 9Huddle together in fear, you nations, for you shall be shattered; and listen, as well, all you far off countries: prepare for battle, and you shall be shattered; prepare for battle, and be shattered. 10Develop your strategy together, but it shall fail; state your proposed defense plan, but it shall not stand; for God is with us.

11For the LORD spoke thus to me with a strong hand upon me, and warned me not to act like this people, saying, 12“Do not call conspiracy all that they call a conspiracy; nor fear what they fear, nor dread it.” 13Honor the LORD Almighty Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread. 14And He shall be for a sanctuary; but a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to both Israel and Judah, and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15And many of them shall stumble, fall, and be broken, snared, and captured. 16“Bind up this testimony of warning; and seal the law among my (see note below) disciples.” 17And I will wait upon the LORD, Who hides His face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for Him. 18I and the children the LORD has given me, are for signs and for warnings to Israel from the LORD Almighty, Who dwells in Mount Zion. 19And when someone tells you, “Consult mediums, spiritists, or wizards that peep and mutter”, should people not inquire and seek advice from their God? Should the living seek guidance from the dead? 20Consult God’s law and testimony; and if they do not speak according to His word, it is because they are in the dark. 21And they shall wander, greatly distressed and hungry; and when they are famished, they shall fret themselves, and look upward and curse their king and their God. 22Then they shall look to the earth, and find only distress, gloom, and dark despair; and they shall be thrown into darkness.

Note to reader: There are differing opinions as to whom the “my” in “my disciples” at the end of verse 16 refers. While some say it refers to Isaiah, others believe it refers to God, or to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Dr. Joseph Addison Alexander says, “These are not the words of the Prophet (Isaiah) speaking in his own person, but a command addressed to him by God, or as some suppose, by the Messiah. If so, the first-person singular pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ in verses 17-18 would also refer to Christ as the speaker.” Dr. Alexander’s “The Prophesies of Isaiah” is an excellent resource for insight into the book of Isaiah.

Reader-Friendly Bible: Purple Letter Edition
© 2024 by Jim Musser. Used by Permission. All rights Reserved.

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